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Everything posted by Snizner_Ian

  1. PK stands for a Permanent-Kill. For a permanent-kill to occur, it must follow the PK Guidelines. Once a character is PK'd, all access to the character is lost. The only way to gain access to said character is to appeal the PK, and have it accepted under the pretense the PK did not follow PK guidelines. An individual has 72 hours to appeal their PK. - Character's name & rank: Ian Wilmot, Oberfelwebal SteamID32: 76561199467825001 Staff member who issued the PK (if you know): NSB-Oberpolizeiinspektor Astor D. Neumann banned the character Oberfeldwebel Ian Wilmot. Explain why you were PK'd: I was trying to get out of the MOI in the process of trying to get out and punched someone to get out then I was fired upon and then was respond in kill house walked out, the admin then froze me and asked me why I was punching someone, and I asked him is this really necessary and he ignored me and banned my character. During this encincture I could not see the Admin's name. This also happened to a friend of mine named Charles Hermen who also got pk for no reason for calling a fieldJaguer retard. Why should you be un-PK'd?: It was unfair, and I didn't have say in why I was getting PK'd Additional Information:
  2. Snizner_Ian


    I was trying to get out of the MOI in the process of trying to get out and punched someone to get out then I was fired upon and then was respond in kill house walked out, the admin then froze me and asked me why I was punching someone, and I asked him is this really necessary and he ignored me and banned my character. During this encincture I could not see the Admin's name. This also happened to a friend of mine named Charles Hermen who also got pk for no reason for calling a fieldJaguer retard.

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