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  1. Your Name: mixaio loukesenko SteamID: 76561199563528657 Which staff member banned you: MR_arrovv long is your ban for?: 1 week Why were you banned?: NITRP+LTARP Why do you deserve to be unbanned?: i think that is not my fault that the time was too long too wait so i je joined i dont think thats a valid ban
  2. man get you shit straight this is an rp server with pathetic nec beards fix your satf and play some real role play bc thats how rp is wen you point a gun at me of curse im going to shoot up you little goofy ahh base
  3. Character's name & rank: JAN PETROV SteamID (STEAM_0:X:XXX): Steam ID: 76561199563528657 Staff member who issued the PK (if you know): Slickb Explain why you were PK'd: died in a shooting Why should you be un-PK'd?: i think its un fair tha i should get pkd

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