Sadly, you can't restrain someone while they're sitting down or believe me, I would have. Regardless, you as a staff member, no less an administrator, should have the situational awareness and common sense to realize that in a room full of National High Command and Ministers, that perhaps that isn't the place for a feld enlisted to be. Or that perhaps you should have stood up and complied when someone was pointing a gun at you and had you under fear rp. I hold no animosity towards you, but the situation is a bit ridiculous.
However, I'm not here to dispute what happened in the office, but dispute my PK and why it should be appealed. The reason for the PK was that I have been "going around shooting members of the military multiple times in front of members of NHC and the Kriegsmarschall. Shooting them during a serious meetings when they were sitting down." yet Slick has yet to provide any other incidents with evidence besides Lawson which frankly, I was within my right to do so.