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  1. Valtirial

    fear rp

    PK stands for a Permanent-Kill. For a permanent-kill to occur, it must follow the PK Guidelines. Once a character is PK'd, all access to the character is lost. The only way to gain access to said character is to appeal the PK, and have it accepted under the pretense the PK did not follow PK guidelines. An individual has 72 hours to appeal their PK. - Character's name & rank: Polizeiuntermeister Nak Schmidt SteamID (STEAM_0:X:XXX): 76561199602960542 Staff member who issued the PK (if you know): I do not remember Explain why you were PK'd: Ran away from/during a fear rp Why should you be un-PK'd?: I'm fairly new still to RPs and I still have a lot to learn I don't even know how to use Gmod correctly Additional Information: I just wanna note that a lot of people on here have told me that I could get kidnapped and I didn't know that I wasn't allowed to run away I can understand that in real life not a single person would have ran away due to their life being at stake and I apologize for that I was just trying to enjoy my night and hardly anyone was on I didn't know It'd go this far..
  2. Valtirial

    Fear RP

    PK stands for a Permanent-Kill. For a permanent-kill to occur, it must follow the PK Guidelines. Once a character is PK'd, all access to the character is lost. The only way to gain access to said character is to appeal the PK, and have it accepted under the pretense the PK did not follow PK guidelines. An individual has 72 hours to appeal their PK. - Character's name & rank: Polizeiuntermeister Nak Schmidt SteamID (STEAM_0:X:XXX): 76561199602960542 Staff member who issued the PK (if you know): I do not remember Explain why you were PK'd: Ran away from/during a fear rp Why should you be un-PK'd?: I'm fairly new still to RPs and I still have a lot to learn I don't even know how to use Gmod correctly Additional Information: I just wanna note that a lot of people on here have told me that I could get kidnapped and I didn't know that I wasn't allowed to run away I can understand that in real life not a single person would have ran away due to their life being at stake and I apologize for that I was just trying to enjoy my night and hardly anyone was on I didn't know It'd go this far..
  3. Valtirial

    Fear RP

    I just got perma pk if that makes sense I'm fairly new still to RPs and I still have a lot to learn I don't even know how to use Gmod correctly I just wanna note that a lot of people on here have told me that I could get kidnapped and I didn't know that I wasn't allowed to run away I can understand that in real life not a single person would have ran away due to their life being at stake and I apologize for that I was just trying to enjoy my night and hardly anyone was on I didn't know It'd go this far.. my character that got banned is Polizeiuntermeister Nak Schmidt

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