Your Name: artichoke
SteamID32: STEAM_0:1:228711541
Staff Member's Name(s): Not sure who to blame in this one,
KING MIDAS(i heard this was someone by the name of Arrow), maybe some others?
Staff Member's SteamID32(s): King Midas(Arrow) and possibly other staff members, the second clip I posted shows me typing "status" in the Console revealing everyone who was online at the time.
Rules Broken / Conduct issues (Provide evidence for each): Staff Abuse
Evidence (Videos/Screenshots):
Additional Information:
Before these videos were posted, I encountered a three golden characters lead by a Father Grigori named "King Midas" who I know now to be Arrow, on his staff character. I was hit with a knife and punched by all three of them, before I could get my recording software on, he noclipped away. This was the first bit of the whole engagement which was not on recording.
I would be abused by the staff through roughly a 30 minute window, where I would repeatedly ask for them to stop. Since it was night time, I gave the staff dudes a couple of chances to let out whatever steam they had built up from the day, but they continued.
Most of the clips involve a noclipped staff member throwing cars at me, so they don't reveal who truly did it.