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Ryan last won the day on October 2 2024

Ryan had the most liked content!

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  1. ACCEPTED, You will be unbanned. Please ensure the rules are followed.
  2. Ryan

    Ban Appeal

    DENIED You failed to elaborate on why you ALT-Accounted. You may reapply within 14 days.
  3. Ryan

    Ban Appeal

    Can you add in here why you attempted to use an Alt-Account to avoid your ban? After that it will be reviewed.
  4. Ryan

    Ban Apology

    You have been banned approximately 13 times. Your most previous ban before this was 14 days for MVDM. You clearly have no regards for the rules, I'd say you can reapply within a month or so. Take this time to learn about the rules and how to properly hold yourself without minging or trolling.
  5. Ryan

    ban appeal

    You were banned on 2024/02/01 for 3 days. I assume you then came back and instantly broke numerous rules for virus to ban you. I assume the initial ban was not permenant, however you attempted to alt not once, but twice. This is when it was then put to Permenant. Put more effort into your appeal, and say your sentences on one post. You are spamming different things with numerous errors. This will be review in time, so stop with the numerous posts.
  6. Ryan

    Discord Unban

    I will give you another chance to be unbanned from the discords. If you continue to be a wierd freak, you can get banned again. Dont post stupid shit in the discords and spread that wierd shit. Accepted.
  7. Ryan

    Warden Ban Appeal

    Your account was changed to a Perma ban because you attempted to evade. Explain why you attempted to evade your ban son. Thanks!
  8. Ryan

    Ryan RDM Report.

    This situation was all In-character also, Nothing to do with my staff rank. This was also handled in-character, not sure what you're looking for from this. But a Supervisor admin will review it shortly! Stay tuned. We also Kidnapped that guy. That detainment was not legal at all. That is again, In character.
  9. Ryan

    Ryan RDM Report.

    You walked into our situation we had ongoing and was walking around telling us to "stop advertising blah blah blah" So I shot you. That's literally what occurred.
  10. Didn't you spam every UA Member begging to be unbanned, also several ban appeals denied already. What have you learned in this time off?

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