Character's name & rank: Jackie Wang Chong, Tiny China Trial Employee
SteamID32: STEAM_0:1:449951344
Staff member who issued the PK (if you know): Lord Doggo the 1st
Explain why you were PK'd: I apparently stole "50,000DM worth of guns" which is a complete lie. I restrained a man inside the bank who was aiming his firearm at me and threatening me for being in the bank while they were robbing a man. I then ran out of the bank because I was not robbing him. After a few minutes I was detained and said I would be killed by firing squad for restraining someone who was pointing a gun at me.
Why should you be un-PK'd?: its a very silly reason to pk someone. Not to mention the pking person has shown racism against Asian people and clearly has a distaste towards us. which would definitely be an incentive to pk someone based on their race (he has called me asian slurs many times)
Additional Information: The person who requested my pk to staff blatantly lied about me stealing military equipment.