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Everything posted by Goldener

  1. Goldener

    Ban Appeal

    I was appointed this but ok i guess? Not really obsessed with this "promotion" you speak of and it was the title In had in the sever so still don't know why this is relevant to the topic
  2. Goldener

    Ban Appeal

    its a skull with a bandanna i made in photoshop thanks Don't know how that is relevant with this topic tho
  3. Goldener

    Ban Appeal

    Your Name: Goldener SteamID32: STEAM_0:1:540206967 Appeal Type (Apology or Dispute): Apology Which staff member banned you?: Hound How long is your ban for?: Permanent Why were you banned?: Global Rule 1 Why do you deserve to be unbanned?: I believe I should be unbanned because I have dedicated my time to this sever and hard earned cash and built such a reputation in the game and I really enjoy my time on Prometheus Network sever and love its community. Additional Information: I have been trying to ask staff members in game if they can change my tittle because it was Regierungsrat from when the sever had restarted and other staff member's said they couldn't and I was confused. And I was asking if they could simply change it to Ministerialrat but then this staff member said I was illegally promoted but it said on the discord clearly I was a Ministerialrat. And I was trying to explain to the admin on how I was confused and then it seemed like he had gotten aggravated and then decided to pk my character.

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