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Browniemeister last won the day on November 24 2024

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  1. What apart of my interaction with you was relevant? I said I was speaking to you? What does my Roleplay interaction have to do with you deciding to LTARP? I mean this whole paragraph is representative of why you shouldn't be given a reduction, and rather an extension. I also never accused you of saying that you mistakenly LTAP'ed, I don't know where you got that. You also have a one day long ban for LTARP, so yes you have PO's. I highly encourage you take the ban and have a couple weeks off. This will be my last response.
  2. https://medal.tv/de/games/garrys-mod/clips/jPvtcenvdMn2NXIsG?invite=cr-MSxzSXgsMTgwMTgyMzk0LA "Hi, I'd like to apologize for the fact that I ltapped, not that I wished death, falsely accused and stated that I would rather take a ban then RP on the RP server" You decided you would take a ban over any Roleplay, I don't see the issue of why you do not wish to serve the ban. Additionally, why should you even get a reduction when you falsely accuse me all over this appeal and refuse to apologize or even believe that you are in the wrong in any other way.
  3. I do not care for you, nor do I know anything about you. I had just walked by you and saw you harassing the Chief of Police. I am not going to let some random person with no standing in the city talk to the Chief of all Berlin Police. I had asked why you were accusing the Chief and you had, stupidly, decided to ignore me so you were punished so. You do not get to selectively decide what is roleplay and what isn't, if you have an issue or believe that I am "oocly" harassing you then make a ticket. But I 100% guarantee you I have 0 care about you.
  4. Planted evidence is crazy when I just looked into your inventory. I was the first person who looked in your inventory. Unfair harassment? You're questioning the chief of police inside the lobby of the Interior and I decided to annoy you. Deal with it, it's roleplay. Also you wished death upon me, I don't care if you don't like me but don't crash out and say that I should die. Freak. Blatant lies all over your appeal, stay banned. L Bozo, -1
  5. You stated the NSB killed the Interior Minister, then afterwards signed a document proclaiming as such.
  6. https://medal.tv/games/garrys-mod/clips/jlqfbwAbOfmPfj6sH?invite=cr-MSxQQkIsMzIzNTk3MTUs
  7. So rather then outright giving money, as it's done with the VIP package already to my knowledge, you'd rather that people are given a permanent ability to get and make crap tons of more drugs. Inherently a P2W mechanic. -1
  8. Please write a 500 word, hand written apology, stating "I will not fling UA during peak times."
  9. Hi there Warplanet, I had been spectating a situation unfolding at the ICC when I had seen you involved in tying up the NSB-Generaldirektor, no harm in that. But while I was spectating and as you've said you said "Brandt, don't molest anyone" and I was hearing you saying other vile matters. As made abundantly clear by gmod ToS, our Global Rules and basic common sense we don't say those sort of things. So, I brought you into a sit and told you to cut out what you were doing, you seemed combative to me and overall uncouth. So I made the decision to ban you for ERP for 3 days, a light punishment for the things that you said. The punishment I gave to you was lenient, NITRP is defined as No-Intent to Roleplay. I understand that you were trying to "lighten the mood" but you don't say those sort of things when the equal to Heydrich is being arrested inside your base. Please have some common sense, I would not mind having your ban lowered but please keep in mind that you coming back has no relevance to these matters.
  10. Ok, so I had an migrane reading this but here's with what I will reply: It doesn't matter that I didn't shoot you, I ordered for you to be shot lol. You don't beg for death and affirm multiple times you want to be shot. I was assuming that you were saying "get your shenanigans over with" in relation to the RP that was happening. I was pushing you to keep you in the RP situation because I literally had no clue that you just wanted to take a dump. In relation to your whole IC issue of the license, that is just completely uninvolved in what the PK was requested for. Like, absolutely irrelevant. That is just me threatening you to get a different goal before I had a pk. I'm confused at what you're trying to argue here, you begged for death after I had put you in the scene of the crime. Like... what do you want me to do in the situation, RP will continue and we'll get things moving.
  11. Hi there, I was involved in your death. When I had ordered for your detainment, I had originally only a vague of what you had tried doing to me. I had demanded that you apologize for what you had done multiple times, you had denied. Which is of course totally fine but I continued to advance the steps I took. After giving you a final chance, I brought you to the MOI in an attempt to make you fearful. At this point, I had began threatening you to confess and apologize for what you had done and make it abundantly clear that the drug processor on you would make you a felon if you were brought to court, I threatened that I would make sure you could never work in the olive branch against besides as a waiter. Then I gave you the option of paying me off for the transgression you had done to me, but you seemingly turned you brain off and became a retard. At this point, you started going OOC and saying "whatever Brownie get this over with." Then you started begging for death, quite literally just saying over and over "just kill me already" and "just get this over with" and I had asked with your confirmation MULTIPLE times on if you are sure that you wanted to die. So after the 4th time confirming, I got approval and shot you. Just because you need to shit, (what you said was the IRL emergency) just say that you need to take a shit man. Don't ruin the RP to distance yourself from it and just come back whenever you're ready.
  12. Someone in my Ministry that has been around and underneath me. Good staff material, will mentor! +1
  13. Senior Company Sergeant Major... The already most senior position in the NCO.
  14. Post this again and you're forms banned. Freak.

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