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  1. Yes, I'm sure you saw the interrogations and other incidents that he was apart of. Again, not only the reason why he was PK'ed, roleplay for PK's isn't hindered by someone not wanting to sign a document.
  2. I forgot to also add, lying is of course not inherently a PK reason. We all lie. But when those lies are fake, or they incriminate you, or they just make up a story that is an entirely false narrative THEN it becomes a matter of getting to a PK. You had exhausted your chances with me when you stated "Of course I would lie!" after being called out. I don't need a court to prove without a reasonable doubt that you did what you did IC. I already KNOW you did. You admitted to it. You incriminated yourself. When you do so bluntly, it is a last resort and does fall under that area of it being a PK.
  3. If you made it very clear, why did you say that the ONLY orders that the General said was security of the Reichstag. You lied about your General giving orders to detain me, then painting you in the clear picture as the aggressor. During your interrogation and the Roleplay, you put up a terrible defense. You can't say "oh the General was around so it defaults on him" because YOU said that the General never gave ANY arrest/detainment orders. You were involved and partook in the detainment by blocking me and putting me into the prisoner diamond. When the gettaway driver is outside the store waiting for his friends to come back from the jewelry store, is he not also guilty of association? You repeat what you said earlier, above. Character RP, you were involved in my detainment and had assisted the Luftwaffe in ransacking through my pockets and taking my items. There are more photos I did not show, unsurprisingly you can be lied to and I painted a full narrative to you as well to further entrap you. Again. Allow me to clarify how I used the pictures, after initial questioning and you setting up a story I then used those pictures to poke holes in your story. I withheld evidence to entrap you in your own lies. I lied to you. I cheated you. You fell for it. You then decided to kick down the doors while handcuffed right Infront of me when I was outside. The pictures I used were barely the reasoning in your PK, you just had an absolutely terrible defense that put blame on you. If an enlisted man ransacked my pockets, why did you never say that? Why would you just lie and say things that you didn't know. If you don't know, say that you don't know.
  4. Hi there. I was the one who requested a PK on your character. To describe what had happened, a member of the NSB had detained you in which I had then recognized you and gathered up evidence relating to you. Over the course of about a half an hour, you had demonstrated a myriad of different factors that cumulated into your eventual PK. I had used the pictures that you had also used for the sake of your interrogation to catch you in the act of lying. During the course of my questioning, you had changed your story about 4 times for just one instance of you being in the city on Friday or not. Then when I proved you wrong and asked why you lied to me, you said 'Of Course I lied!" to me. You were not PK'ed on the basis of the photos taken to clear that up. I used those photos to paint a picture after I had questioned you on the surface level about your activities. You had decided to lie constantly about what you were doing, where you were and who's orders did what. One of the stand out parts was where you had testified to me that you would lie about your General giving out any orders for a detainment, and then when you decided to partake in my detainment it makes YOU the stand out. You testified "Are you talking about arrest orders? Only orders given out was to ensure security of the Reichstag" (I was arrested for taking a photo of the Reichstag lobby). You put yourself in guilt for your actions and decided to throw yourself under the bus for whatever reason. Additionally, I had multiple cameras on my person. Only one camera was dropped and it was not the one that I had equipped. Also, if I was trying to kill you why would I leave a paper trial that you were in my custody? That's redundant. Lying, while not inherently a reason to kill someone, proves that you are not a trustworthy witness. Why would I, in roleplay, take you to court after you A. Detained me, B. Stole my items, C. Involved in the 13th and 14th's shootouts and D. Constantly lied and changed stories. I had proven you wrong or contradictory dozens of times during your testimony that it was laughable. After awhile, you just insulted me after I started asking harder hitting questions which just makes my character entirely uninterested in taking you to court. The funny thing is, while I was in the MIDDLE of requesting your PK and it was teetering, you decided to just door kick the interrogation room doors on stream to the person I was requesting the PK to. You were cuffed and obviously just had no value over your characters life. You threw yourself under the bus, you constantly contradicted yourself, you doorkicked while cuffed, you had shot and detained NSB on photos. It's self explanatory while you were killed. Turns out its very easy to identify someone without a hat and an iron cross when they do outright illegal matters in public .
  5. This guy defends nazism, has a shrine to Hazbin Hotel characters and has a tatoo of a black sun on his arm. Also him saying "Subhuman filth" writes itself.
  6. 1. I was on my Minister character for nearly the entire event, I don't even have a Landespoliezi character at current. 2. At the time when this apparently occurred, I was sitting in the office to the left of the NSB wing while the military were raiding. 3. Did you at any point make a ticket asking for who PK'ed you? 4. Your appeal is extremely hostile for no reason towards myself, when you yourself aren't even sure that I had conducted your PK. Please provide the name of the Staff Member who provided my name as well. 5. When I looked through the PK log's, you have another character named 'Siegfried Leon Strucker ' that was pk'ed back in March. Please provide explanation why you decided to make another character named exactly the same as a character that was pked earlier. When you make these sort of appeals, ensure that you are calm and orderly. I don't very much so appreciate being accused of something I don't even have a character for. I understand you don't particularity like myself due to your alleged relations with a dog, but that is no reason to take that anger out on me. I hope to see your response as more calm next time.
  7. I have literally no idea when this happened. Please provide a date so I can confirm when this happened and get a proper detailed resposne to you.
  8. We don't do historical parties at all, I'd recommend changing the name to something independent of the timeframe and not associated at all with the 20-40s timeframe.
  9. 30 or so minutes later, you had a Luftwaffe character that ran away from a ceremony after causing a disruption. You then were hunted down and decided to open fire on all your people. It seems that "Being a New Player" doesn't matter to you. https://medal.tv/games/garrys-mod/clips/i8VLfnxkA62q1xdte/d13375n7tulm?invite=cr-MSx4VlAsMzIzNTk3MTUs
  10. Wow. AI generated ban appeal. TERRBILE. EMBARASSING.
  11. Ok. So seemingly it is lost upon you and we're going around in circles so I'll reinforce my point. We did not need to summon you in specific, as you, the Ministry of Justice and High Command of the Armed Forces would not permit such actions from us. Stating that it is unlawful and such as previously stated. We also did not need to summon you in particular when we had already summarized your attitude as to how it'd go as we can see in this clip: https://medal.tv/games/garrys-mod/clips/2dc1vbvNNSp9a2/d1337pvWtoUB?invite=cr-MSwzaVEsMjgwODk5OTYs In this clip, we see a situation transpiring at the front of the ICC where two PCO's are being enforced on the Director of the NSB at the time and the Chief of the Landespoliezi. You had decided to say both are invalid over reasons that are completely bogus, you denied the NSB General warrant because it was missing "NSB" that's like during 1942rp denying an SS warrant because it was missing the "SS-" suffix. It's retarded. You then denied the warrant on Erwin Konig because it was missing an N on it... Then, instead of deescalating the situation with the citizen you had immediately escalated. "Oh they opened fire, they opened fire" You said these words assuming no consequence would come from them. We had, indeed, went through all our options. The Military had detained me for enforcing lawful warrants, you had opened fire on my men, I was against everyone for no reason but because they could. You are responsible for the acts of your subordinates if you are standing right infront of them and do nothing to stop them. I hate the precedent some try to set when a Grenadier opens fire during some situation, because the General didn't immediately step in they are responsible. That is dumb. But that is not what you did, you were written down as leading marches, being involved in detainments of MOI personnel, gunning down NSB enforcing lawful warrants, the list goes on. The last time I had tried to meet with you, the General of the Infantry had gotten involved then the Kriegsmarschall. How are we to discuss "taking a thousand different routes" when you ignore the routes that we did go through. And regarding your "point" with the Kriegsmarine, there is difference between a historical german organization that had been named BLANKmarine for a century before 1940 and then one most infamous organizations that you don't say their name ever. Mistakes happen on these documents, but do you really think that going "THIS IS NOW ALL INVALIDATED." is how you do that? IC punishments were given out for mistakes. This is my last answer on the topic, thank you.
  12. +1 I had this man inside one of my IC factions and I enjoyed his presence inside of it, I think he'd make a solid pick for staff.

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