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Everything posted by Azoro

  1. Azoro

    PK Appeal

    Character's name & rank: Polizeiinspektor Franz von Braun SteamID32: STEAM_0:0:703467936 Staff member who issued the PK (if you know): Prime Explain why you were PK'd: I wasn't brought to a sit or explained why. I was just trying to leave to an area where I wouldn't be shot on sight so I could switch characters, as I was being shot on sight for the last 10-20 minutes. Why should you be un-PK'd?: Being spawn camped and shot over and over is pretty unfun, and I feel it's logical to try and leave? I don't know. Additional Information: There's a glitch if you get PKed while you're leg is broken, you can't change characters at all so I am still stuck on a changing character screen.
  2. Dude, I was the communist. I was trying to just have some fun larp, and wanted to kill the character off. He doesn't deserve to get PKed over the stupidity of his colleague. As the person who was PKed, I do request he get UnPKed. That's my two cents.
  3. Azoro

    UnPK maybe?

    Character's name & rank: Polizeiobermeister Hans Vaught SteamID32: STEAM_0:0:703467936 Staff member who issued the PK (if you know): Saito Explain why you were PK'd: I barely remember why I was UnPKed. I was fucking off my rocker on my meds, and didn't get off. I just remember Browniemeister trying to arrest me. Why should you be un-PK'd?: I just thought I'd try to get UnPKed. I understand if not, but I just want to continue rping on my character. Additional Information: I apologize for whatever I did blacked out on my meds?

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