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  1. +1 I was part of this incident and i can confirm that Waltz Kliener wasn't the one to open fire first , the person who opened fire first was in fact a member of the KSD.
  2. Steam Name: Det. Michael Hitchcock SteamID32: STEAM_0:1:237050404 Discord Username/ID: micheldewitten Are you VIP?: Yes Time Played (Check in-game using !time): 1w 5d 5h 52m. (+about 2 weeks from before the server resetted these times) Characters Name & Rank, and a brief explanation of their duties: -Oberstleutnant Heinrïch Fegelein : He is a member of the Inspektionbüro der 1. Kaisergarde "Hendrik Baumer" ,member of the Ordnungsmarshall's Personal Staff and currently the acting chief of the 1. "Himmels-Kampf" Kompanie. He deals with internal affairs regarding the Kaisergarde and together with the rest of the Inspektionbüro he acts as a direct extension of the Ordnungsmarshall and the Generalmajor. He is also the acting chief of the 1. "Himmels-Kampf" Kompanie which means he temporarily runs this kompanie and is able to make appointments and demotions. -Meister Andreas von Saksen-Coburg : He is a Volkswache NCO , he ensures that commands given by CO's are executed with the highest precision. He also recruits new members into the Volkswache. -Obergefreiter Gustav II Steyr : He is an enlisted man of the Feldjagers , his duties include military policing. What will you use the trusted rank for?: I will use the trusted rank to recruit people faster and also to be able to promote/demote people without the need of staff. Through this way i hope to lessen the workload for the staffteam so they can deal with the actual urgent staff cases instead of having to set up a new recruit every 5 minutes. I am also European so i am on when there is not alot of staff on to deal with new recruits and such. Staff Recommendations: Lentz, Invalid, evan. , Bonz
  3. +1 I think he deserves a second chance , as said many off us have chewed him out for doing it in discord.
  4. stefaan

    Ban appeal

    Your Name: Andreas von Saksen-Coburg SteamID32 (STEAM_0:X:XXX): STEAM_0:1:237050404 Appeal Type (Apology or Dispute): Dispute Which staff member banned you?: Saito How long is your ban for?: 2 days Why were you banned?: FailRP Why do you deserve to be unbanned?: Saito claimed that i left multiple people tied after robbing them which is untrue , i also suggested to my friends that we should either untie them or RP with them which you can hear in the clip i will provide. I believe Saito banned me because some of my past PO's which is understandable but he banned me for things other people did just because i had these PO's which is not how it should be. I believe that a 2 day ban for something like this is kind of harsh and unneeded , especially when you look at the current players on the server because of the blacklist on Gmod. Additional Information: https://medal.tv/games/garrys-mod/clips/icX6PoZ1Lh39WOVwu/d1337tYHtABD?invite=cr-MSw1bGMsMTU1NDMwMDAs
  5. +1 , i think this would be a great improvement for civillian life within the city , i also think this would be a great way of improving RP for Policing/intelligence agencies alike.
  6. stefaan

    PK appeal

    Character's name & rank: Hendrik Kürtz Oberstleutnant des 1. kaisergarde "Hendrik Baumer" SteamID32: STEAM_0:1:237050404 Staff member who issued the PK (if you know): Leo Explain why you were PK'd: I went to the car dealer to pick up my new car and suddenly 3 Lapo members starting randomly shooting my tires out , because i didn't want their bullshit i kept on driving to the Lapo station. Upon my passing off the Lapo station i was held under gunpoint by about 7 mingy Lapo , i got out of my vehicle in order to try and converse with the men , they didn't listen . They surrounded me with about 8 men , suddenly 6 of my men came around the corner running towards us in order to help me from the rogue lapo members . One off my men had his gun not on safety which made the lapo officers ask him to put in on safety , he was kind off slow but he eventually put his weapon on safety. After my KG member put his weapon on safety a lapo member stabbed and killed him from behind prompting a firefight to occur , since i heard shots and it was really chaotic i starting letting shots off with my pistol prompting me to get shot aswell. Why should you be un-PK'd? I think the reason Leo PKed me was for FearRP , while i was in fact under fearRP at the time the fact that the lapo members started stabbing my men from behind means that they started a fight and fearRP should no longer be applicable since they started it . The Lapo members could've detained the KG member instead but they did not and started a fight which led to bloodshed. Additional Information: The person who requested my PK was "Maximilian Eisenherz" a former KG Oberst until he got kicked out of the KG by the Interior minister, so i guess he was kind off butthurt.
  7. stefaan

    Ban appeal

    Also just to summarize,: he intentionally rammed into my vehicle damaging both me and my vehicle (as for general rule No.2 allowing me to shoot at him) > me firing a couple of shots at his vehicle > me entering the ICC > him following me inside the ICC > him pulling a pistol on me while i had a FG42 out (allowing me to defend myself according to General rule No. 2) > me killing him in self defense.
  8. stefaan

    Ban appeal

    It wasn't like that tho , he could've left and made an arrest warrant for me in RP instead of following me inside of the ICC and pulling a pistol on me and as a result dieing.
  9. stefaan

    Ban appeal

    As you can see in the video his pistol was in fact not on safe (it was on semi-auto) and he was pointing it directly at me giving me a valid reason to shoot him , if he didn't pull his gun out in this instant i wouldn't have killed him since then he would pose no threat to me. Furthermore on my screen my gun was pointed at him before he pulled his gun out , in the video you can see me shooting him while on his screen my gun appeared to be on safe while it was actually not on safe.
  10. stefaan

    Ban appeal

    First off all it wasn't a full mag , second it obviously wasn't a small bump as my character received damage while i was still within my vehicle. And also , it doesn't really matter how many rounds i fired at him because according to General rule No. 2 i was in my full right to shoot at him (You must have a valid RP reason to kill someone. You may shoot someone if they damage you with a weapon/vehicle. ) as it says within the rules i'm allowed to open fired at someone if they damage my characters health with either a weapon or a vehicle for that matter.
  11. stefaan

    Ban appeal

    According to General rule 2 i was in my full right to open fire upon him as he intentionally crashed his car into mine (using it as a weapon) both damaging me and my car in the process. (Rule No.2 You must have a valid RP reason to kill someone. You may shoot someone if they damage you with a weapon/vehicle. )
  12. stefaan

    Ban appeal

    Your Name: Steam name (stefaan) , discord name (micheldewitten), character that i received the ban on (Leutnant Hendrik Kürtz) SteamID32: STEAM_0:1:237050404 Appeal Type (Apology or Dispute): Dispute Which staff member banned you?: [grub] How long is your ban for?: 1 week (6 days and 12 hours left) Why were you banned?: RDM l Past POs l Appeal on the forums. Why do you deserve to be unbanned?: The Vize kanzler (Adolf Lindemann) intentionally crashed into me at the gates of the ICC for no reason damaging both me and my character in the process (you can hear it in the evidence) , as a response i shot at his vehicle with no intention to kill/harm a person within the vehicle in order to get him too stop. After i fired a couple off rounds i proceeded to go into the ICC , the Vize Kanzler followed me inside and tried to pull a gun on me while i already had an FG42 out , as a result i killed him on the spot in fear off my own life . Apparanthly the Vize kanzler doesn't value his life much considering that he pulled a pistol on a military member that already had a weapon out while he was within the gates off the ICC , so according to General rule 7 , Adolf Lindemann is PK able. According too General Rule 2 (You must have a valid RP reason to kill someone. You may shoot someone if they damage you with a weapon/vehicle. : Following this warning, you may kill them if they pull out a weapon) I was in a full right too shoot at his car while outside of the ICC gate and i was fully allowed to kill the Vize kanzler when he pulled a pistol out on me while i already had a weapon out. Following this statement i believe i have the right to be unbanned and i also think that the Vize Kanzler (Adolf Lindemann) should be PKed in regards to general rule 7 since he broke FearRP and died in the process. Additional Information: Evidence made by Adolf Lindemann himself: https://medal.tv/games/garrys-mod/clips/28PGW0J3rt4e7n/d1337EUyvTxV?invite=cr-MSxtbWUsMTU1NDMwMDAs General rules applicable on this case: (https://wiki.prn.gg/wiki/ImperialRP_Rules) General rule 2 : You must have a valid RP reason to kill someone. You may shoot someone if they damage you with a weapon/vehicle. You may not shoot someone because of their physical appearance, faction or simply because they insulted you. You must give someone a verbal or text warning and allow them 10 seconds to respond before escalating the roleplay. Following this warning, you may kill them if they pull out a weapon. Do not bait someone to shoot/RDM you, and do not punch minge or initiate arguments to harass someone. General rule 7 : You must always value your own life through FearRP. Failure to abide by FearRP can result in your character being permanently killed

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