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Nik von der Goetia

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Everything posted by Nik von der Goetia

  1. They are stealing money from their players and content from other creators, how surprising. These people are subhumans.
  2. I’m going to ignore the senseless insults and ’lapdog-talk’ and in spite of my lack of medical profession to convey information for the illiterate ADHD patients, I’m going to answer your question in a very simple manner. I enjoyed my time on the server, so I have patiently waited a year after I was banned for speaking up outside of the game, which was later covered as thought crimes. I honestly did not expect anything from it, beyond the usual sheep like demeanour, I knew from the beginning that he is not going to change his mind, so in the aspect your question is fair. But unfortunately, this will be the last response I give on the topic.
  3. This is all I have to say, Willrick.
  4. As usual, you chose to change subjects and try to convince people that you have not misappropriated a large portion of the donations that the people have given you to improve the quality of the server. If you feel that calling me a neo-nazi is something that I will consider as an insult, then you are mistaken. I said what I needed to say, I am not denying my affiliations. Also, it is seemingly quite convenient for you to deny the allegations as mere fabrication, but can you actually prove what I’m saying is false? Furthermore, I have never complained about the swastikas, if you changed the server theme into something like “Kaiserreich”, that’s great. But I have only complained once and rightfully, which was the time when the server was unplayable for nearly two months after the server host change. (This was the time when I bursted your ego, thus you banned me, you came up with the nazi stuff as an excuse after the fact.) But given your lack of understanding of the text, let alone have the will to own up for your poor management and calling people ‘shizo’ who actually given their time of day for this place, then I say it’s for the best that I’m no longer a member of this community. I would wish the best, but at this point this forum is just going to be a circus for the simple minded.
  5. Your Name: Nik von der Goetia Your SteamID: STEAM_0:1:65017272 Appeal Type: Dispute Which staff member banned you?: Major Whoreson How long is your ban for?: Permanent Why were you banned?: Original reason: I had a disagreement with Whoreson on Guilded, because despite the large amount of donations, which I had also contributed to financially, the quality of service on the server did not meet an acceptable level after the host change to the point where it was barely playable and was full of bugs, errors even well after a month. I only dared to raise concern on the issue, because the poor server management also affected my character, thus I lost a substantial amount of in game money, as well as I was unable to access to services I had payed for. Stated reason after the fact: I was told that I had Nazi stuff on my Guilded profile even though this was originally a historically accurate WW2 server, that took place in the capital of Nazi Germany, Berlin, the heart of the Reich. Why do you deserve to be unbanned?: Nearly after a year you had concluded that I am not ‘mentally fit’ for the nuisance of roleplay after one argument I had had on guilded, I have come to ask you to reconsider this statement the third and final time. Please keep in mind that most of my thoughts and references in this appeal were made before the DNS change / aka the Nutter incident, so I kindly ask you to excuse some of the incorrect time tenses or things which are not relevant anymore. Prior to my ban, I have been part of this community since August 2022 because my friend who was one of your former admins ‘Gigachad’ recommended this place over Werewolf, where we both played, but I have only become active on this server in 2023. During my time in the OrPo, I always tried to serve to the best of my abilities and knowledge, thus I managed to show people my dedication to the regiment for which they rewarded me by making me their Polizeipräsident and I also received the old guard commendation after a relatively short time and I was also a tier 4 party member. I was a respected member of the community, people knew me as someone who was coolheaded, efficient and valued the lives of the people in Berlin. Perhaps this was one of the reasons why it was a shocker when I ‘acted’ out on guilded and accused Whoreson of being greedy with the donations and financial management of the server. Frankly, I do not remember much of the details, but I think I was simply stressed out of things and the server was in a poor state at the time after the host change, so much so that it was barely playable, nothing worked and I lost a bit over 100k rms that I had grinded for, because of a technical error that was never addressed. Yes, it was a mistake that I deigned to complain during my LOA at the time, about how poorly the server was handled after the host change, thus bursting the ego of some people of the administration who literally came to talk me down for speaking my mind. No, after how unprofessionally you handled the situation and showed zero compassion, It was foolish for me to come back apologetically a year ago, considering that I had the moral justification to be annoyed by the misguided management that was funded by the people, the narcissism of some individuals in charge, which is not even surprising, given that the majority of the moderators and admins (at the time) were mere teenagers. First, I had waited a month, following your guidelines, Now I have returned after a year and in my not so humble opinion, it is still not guaranteed you are going to give a proper listen and not act as bunch of vultures, like you have shown the last time. Concordantly my expectations for an intelligible, well thought response is quite low. I think, it is outrageous how most 'minges' and other trolls who cause nothing but trouble get away with a week ban or two, (Example in the other information tab.) and literal children, not just minors under the age of 18, are allowed to be on the server and even enlist for some reason while I received a permanent ban from both the game and the website , in spite of my support, work, dedication and what I have shown to the people on the server, because of 'wrongthink'. Furthermore, it is also revolting to think that there are certain youtubers such as ‘capit0l’, who get exceptions under the rules and get to do whatever minging and trolling they want on the expense of other’s experience. The videos that these youtubers post and the fact that there are times when the admins spawn zombies and futuristic ray-guns are evidence that Prometheus is not a ‘serious’ roleplay server as it advertises it to be, yet it often punishes the people who are trying to make the place feel authentic for the pettiest reasons. I created an account for the website not long after my ban, a year ago and I made an appeal which you rejected, but the account remained. This clearly implies your acknowledgement of my presence. So, if my thoughtcrime on my own guilded posts, outside of the game, which were a month old by that point, was so severe as you made it seem to be, then why haven't you banned that account from the website as well? Do not be confused, If I had zero respect for this place and myself and just wanted to ‘play’ then who could prevent me from joining the server on an alt accounts with VPN and start over again? Especially after you got rid of your one, loyal developer. The sole reason I’m not doing that because I have good self-esteem and I’m not going to accept being wrongfully banned from a place that I helped. In addition, I was a VIP member, I had donated to the server, I had shown dedication and professionalism in the game, I was valued member of my regiment, within this community I always tried to avoid profanity and foul language, I had made many documents for the OrPo, suggested reforms to the higher ups, I created many dupes for the regiment which were later shared on the dups channel that I came up with, so we would be more organized and accessible. Now.. let’s address the elephant in the room: the nazi stuff. I knew this was a sensitive topic at the time, because of the changes forced down on to the community by Garry Newman, so I tried my best to keep things under the table in my last appeal, but it seems that people here lack the good sense to read the signs and tread on this topic lightly. So, I’m going to say it here: I am a firm believer of National Socialism, there is no reason for me to lie about it, but this was obvious from the very beginning, even if policy wise I might be categorized as a reformist, because I do not agree with the idea of the mass extermination of the Jews, given that it was a waste of resources and because of its brutality, it stained and demonized our movement. I have even written a manifesto on my views. But, suddenly the fact that I’m a National Socialist, a fact that you and your staff was perfectly well aware of, due to all the data on my profile, suddenly became an issue and you have banned me only AFTER I complained how you spend my money. I simply refuse to believe that this has gone under your radar, prior to our ‘argument’ about the finances with Whoreson, especially since some of you sent me positive feedback privately. Moreover, if you really found my silly posts on my profile problematic, such as the “Plush toy with a hitlerjugend knife” or the “Shrine to Hitler” , which was literally just a book of Hitler with two Hazbin Hotel & Helluva Boss standees… both of which were obvious joke, (and honestly now I find cringe) then why didn’t you ask me politely to take them down, like an adult. Again, these posts were for ‘shits and giggles’, If I really wanted to be political, I could had gone on and on how in the declining west not only this woke idiocracy we all familiar with is accepted but even encouraged, while saying things that is considered to be "wrongthink" is immoral, hate speech and even punishable. Such degenerate, revolting behaviour should be outcasted from society, but in the eyes of the globalist neo-liberal; Surgically transforming little boy to little girls & vice versa, using hormone therapy and Abortion is completely and morally fine. While eugenics and genetic engineering on humans to improve them and cure diseases is completely immoral and unacceptable. But I didn’t, and just before some idiot would assume that I used this server as a platform to promote my ideas, you’d be wrong. I have VRChat for that. This server was a fun recreational activity for me, because the old-fashioned roleplay scenario obligated people to speak in a more former, comprehensive manner, unlike how most people act in games, and that was something I enjoyed. So, In the end, the reason you should unban me because I am the only one who was willing to criticize you for apparently misappropriating those resources and spending the donations in a very frivolous and unwise manner. Can you provide evidence that you have spent all of your donation to the running of the server and improvement of such? Can you provide all the financial documentations of the donations that you have received and expenses that you have spent it on, furthermore, have you also payed tax on those donations? To my knowledge Prometheus as a server, based in the United States, their tax authority, the I.R.S. is not something to trifled with, as they are quite vicious. And I think that people who get donations above a certain level in the U.S., they probably need to pay tax for it. In spite of all of this, I can sympathize in some degree with the concern you had at a time, where uncertainty was high because of the rule changes, and I even apologized right after the ‘argument’ for not speaking in a professional tone as it was expected from me the previous time we had this conversation, but given how rude and dismissive you were to me, I think it is only fair for me to let the forum know about how badly you handled my and the community’s money. Beyond the denial of service by banning me, the fact that the server is/was running so poorly while the people have donated so much money, makes me question… Can you prove you actually spent all of the donations to the improvement on the server and not just pocketed the funds for your personal enrichment? But effectively the main emphasis on my case that you knew very well where I stand politically, but you banned me only after I reported that the server was running poorly, in spite the huge amount of donations. And I haven’t even mentioned the hypocrisy because I know how most of you used to act and how racists you were/are even outside of roleplay, something which I was actively trying to avoid, as surprising as that to hear for the feeble minded. If somehow you do not reject my appeal this time and actually let me back in to the community; What I can say as a “promise” is that I’m not going to talk about politics out of character. After all, in game I always followed the rules and enforced the given laws. For example: In the olden days the “lives unworthy of life” were reported to the Schutzstaffel who executed them. This changed after the new rules of Garry Newman after which being a Jew, homosexual, etc was not a crime anymore and so I adapted to the new rule book. I can’t promise that I’m going to be as active and enthusiastic as I once before, after all, I was thrown under the bus by the server/community management, but I’ll try to do a good job. Lastly, on a personal note (not sentimental): After what you have done and how you wronged me, I am not sure if I’m going to be able to forgive you, nor to have the taste to engage with your server. I was hurt by the betrayal and this was the only “roleplay” I did. If my services in-game did not meet your expectations, then I’m sorry. This is it, this is what I could do. I cannot help you if you have a problem with my beliefs outside of the game, I cannot and not going to change those. There is a reason for everything. As Karl Marx said: “Men make their own history‚ but they do not make it as they choose․” Before I finish writing this, I must also mention the latest developments regarding my accusations. It seems that my suspicions of the financial misappropriation which is actively happening on the server have been also validated by none other than “Nutter”, the person responsible for the back-end server management, as well as the website. His message has been the index of the server’s ‘old’ website for a time now, but I would just like to quote it here, as a reminder; This message in itself is a clear display of how greedy and unappreciative Whoreson is, as well as an undeniable indication to the community that he, the server owner, has no desire or intention to use your donations to further enhance your experience or to properly maintain the server for the long run. If anything, this seems like a desperate attempt to scrap the barrel for every ounce of money he can pocket, before abandoning the ship! I will refuse to make comments about Whoreson's personal life as that is not something that concerns me and I do not have the basis to spread gossip without property evidence. Before the incident, I had never even talked to the guy, much less had any intention to find myself in a conflict with him. But again, he wronged me, thus I felt obligated to let the community know about these issues. Please, do take time to also read some of the additional information & evidence, so you can form your unbiased opinion. Additional Information: My original web profile that needs to be unbanned: https://prometheusnetworks.gg/index.php?/profile/142-nik-von-der-goetia/ My rank https://www.dropbox.com/scl/fi/u0my0shf4j9gd8fzgqf59/rank.PNG?rlkey=yhg0xmarhias611r5quu4wnh4&dl=0 Whoreson banishing me from the community, despite that my apology was genuine: https://www.dropbox.com/scl/fi/u53so0k9u44yxkvo0pffh/Last-chat.PNG?rlkey=wy2cvz6j2dv357wx4mdgw7wjx&dl=0 Proof that I can handle the ‘nuisance of roleplay’: https://www.dropbox.com/scl/fi/2q6duaynyuyohh5x2rkmz/Promotion_1.PNG?rlkey=q0rj02in70oo0pgl0fjz8sve3&dl=0 Me officially becoming the Polizeipräsident: https://www.dropbox.com/scl/fi/sv2udm7je9gmk57ifgk16/Promotion_2.PNG?rlkey=m1q1uk326vkz36vcvwnxyoq72&dl=0 Some of the documents I made for the regiment; My suggestions about recent laws and uniform mandate: https://docs.google.com/document/d/1Fq31JFntFHp6P_GULYr-zmYFHvAuB-qzj-z4EFYg5JA/edit My simple training guide for the OrPo: https://docs.google.com/document/d/1RHLUheB2cmoAz-LggyQngyVrC0eqt6gViaXM8MM0hQw/edit?usp=drive_link Competency test prototypes: Enlisted, NCO, CO https://docs.google.com/document/d/1F-sUYJmlU8w74Mf385JdkkbEhusc05lHEanCqOqHAIg/edit?usp=drive_link https://docs.google.com/document/d/1Y_Wnht3JrbfTeVYHtIhSWSlfhAe0rU7hujILVF6tY-I/edit?usp=drive_link https://docs.google.com/document/d/1WvPqPcrilKN0XXC8tPD6Tu3p51F-FffZFNxmjTDjhK4/edit?usp=drive_link When the server was overcrowded, due to the closure of your European competition ‘Werewolf’ and because of the trolling activities of some youtubers, the incompetency and saboteurs among the enlisted skyrocketed, so I had made an emergency revision to ensure that the standards are up held. (This was on the table for discussion, but it has never come to effect, because of the server host change a few days after, that had completely broken the game and when I raised concern about it, weeks later, you banned me.) https://docs.google.com/document/d/1HNggjabBx6DzXmKJg5qqsUu7VNxiWOtwBE10BvIh7B8/edit?usp=drive_link Some dupes I made for the OrPo, not counting the non-faction specific ones: https://www.dropbox.com/scl/fi/3n5crcgslnn2gbvjeygxg/dupes.PNG?rlkey=5spqi85zy323yl0xaarhne0at&dl=0 One of the bugs I reported after the host change, where I lost all my money: https://prometheusnetworks.gg/index.php?/topic/187-i-have-lost-my-money-from-my-bank-account/#comment-612 The one time I got PK-d illegally by a sadistic RSHA agent and won the case: (This was the only thing I could recover from the old website.) https://www.dropbox.com/scl/fi/aha0z5qdd6ztwqs2073ir/Sadistic-RSHA-agent-PK-d-me-after-2-hours-of-captivity-for-a-picture-I-took-in-front-of-the-Reichstag.-_-Prometheus.html?rlkey=7an04wjh5x1zbbk7o6rsed5lv&dl=0 One of the many examples of a minge spoiling the server, gets away with 2 weeks ban: To further debunk Whoreson’s implication that I can’t handle the nuisance of roleplay, THIS was my first day experience, yet I managed to climb the ladder to become one of the leaders. https://www.dropbox.com/scl/fi/wn150ham6q5rgehemvl7k/My-first-day.mp4?rlkey=p23hhpqk0faui23ct10iu6qvy&dl=0 Another example of Whoreson casually banning people who criticized him or the server: https://prometheusnetworks.gg/index.php?/topic/1086-experts-ban-appeal/ Me saying goodbye to the Chief of OrPo, they were never officially informed what happened. https://www.dropbox.com/scl/fi/elnlmvydgzxgmzuu9jz9k/sigh.PNG?rlkey=vkkrktpno30dcy8utm9s8eqoh&dl=0 Nutter’s index message: https://www.dropbox.com/scl/fi/ji3zvlprfrkzarlu7zgrw/Index.png?rlkey=qad3qtwqtap3gzmg57lwa2457&dl=0

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