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tom.knap33 last won the day on April 23 2024

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  1. +1 Has zero punishments as far as I know, can be trusted.
  2. Surely you've seen atleast tweet from Garry that he bans all the N-RP servers and that even the server name changed and when started up the game, you definetly saw the flag that were missing, maybe meaning that server rules have changed absolutely. But hey, Im not saying that you shouldn't get second chance, but these are logical points. Im not saint either to judge you.
  3. Then it must be this. STEAM_0:1:573338216
  4. Did you even read I said in my apology? It wasn't meant in the way you think it did.
  5. Your Name: NSB-Hauptpolizeidiener Robert Fritz SteamID32: STEAM_0:1:573338216 Appeal Type: Apology. Which staff member banned you?: Wilhelm Winter How long is your ban for?: Perma. Why were you banned?: "Degenerate" saying "I cant help but laugh when children cry, it makes me aroused and relaxed at the same time." Why do you deserve to be unbanned?: Well, it wasn't mean in any sexual way, dear god no. It was meant that it brings happiness and fullfillment to my life when children cry over some stupid reasons like when they for example get shot, arrested or to get PK'd on character they've mained on for months. If it was however mistaken that it was in the other way, then I am sorry, it won't happen again. Additional Information: N/A

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