Your Name: adam
SteamID32: STEAM_0:0:44425038
Appeal Type (Apology or Dispute): Apology
Which staff member banned you?: ich bin ein brot
How long is your ban for?: perm
Why were you banned?: cheating / mrdm
Why do you deserve to be unbanned?: I believe I should be unbanned due to the fact that I have changed as a person. I now understand that cheating in garry's mod is gay, and I no longer find it enjoyable or anything of the sort. My friends have recently started playing, and I would love to play with my friends. I wouldn't be making this appeal just to massRDM or anything of the sort again, as it'd be a waste of my time. I know there's always a couple staff on, so randomly keeping a tab on me shouldn't be too hard. I think my previous actions were retarded, and I believe I've changed enough to be allowed a second chance, under very strict watch. I'll also be clipping every fight I get into, and will happily provide my POV upon request.
Additional Information: N/A