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  1. +1 - Dedicated, gets involved, active.
  2. I wasn’t trying to arrest anyone, didn’t try to tie him. I Was simply trying to speak with the guy, and then he started waving his weapon around, provoking others, and people ordered him to put his gun down Not shooting first with someone aiming a weapon is asking for death to take you. You cannot determine when it is right to fire upon an active threat with intent to harm, until he shows that intent to harm, and that was shown when he raised his weapon. He aimed his weapon multiple times, at multiple people, proving to be a threat to the people in the area, he was told to drop his gun, lower it, etc. He continued to aim it at people, so deadly force was used. If he would have complied with basic weapon safety, listened to the orders of people around him, and not handled himself in an aggressive and dangerous manner, this whole situation would have been avoided.
  3. - Character's name & rank: NSB-Oberpolizeiinspektor Silas von Ribbentrop SteamID32: STEAM_0:1526798699 Staff member who issued the PK (if you know): Coffee Explain why you were PK'd: "Initiating a gunfight." Why should you be un-PK'd?: In this video, you can see the Bootsmann with his MP40 out aiming it at various people, a couple of people present in the video, ordered him to put his gun down. He aimed it around at several people, causing them to scatter. In a real life situation, if someone is running around with a heavy weapon out, aiming it at people, POLICE aren't going to yell drop the gun after the suspect has aimed it at them several times. They have full authorization to return fire. This is exactly what ran through my mind, when I saw this individual aiming his weapon at people, thus giving reason to use deadly force. That, in real life, is how police/military would respond to a suspect aiming a weapon at them multiple times. After I fired towards the person, I took cover, and then yielded my weapon, and attempted to depart the area, but was shot after. I yielded my weapon believing the individual ran inside the base, and that there was no reason to continue firing, potentially hitting people behind the target. Additional Information: Video from the Bootsmann's POV.
  4. Steam Name: Angel SteamID32: STEAM_0:1526798699 Discord Username/ID: _angel98_ Are you VIP?: Yes Time Played (Check in-game using !time): 1w 3D 18hr Characters Name & Rank, and a brief explanation of their duties: Hauptkommissar Silas von Ribbentrop - Deputy Director of Section B -GSD-NSB What will you use the trusted rank for?: To issue out uniforms and whitelist individuals into my faction, speed up the process. Helps staff members focus on other operations. Staff Recommendations: N/A
  5. Angel

    Angels Appeal

    I hold no grudge either. Obviously if another individual was conducting an action, it’s easy to mistake a similar situation for a past one. Regardless, I shouldn’t have been mic spamming music anyway, in accordance with Rule 8 of the server, but I was being dumb, so I extend my condolences. Regardless, I should be more responsible. Good day.
  6. Angel

    Angels Appeal

    Your Name: Angel SteamID32 (STEAM_0:X:XXX): STEAM_0:1526798699 Appeal Type (Apology or Dispute): Apology Which staff member banned you?: Valyy How long is your ban for?: 2 Days Why were you banned?: Micspamming Why do you deserve to be unbanned?: I was being retarded, and driving around in a car micspamming Serbian music, and drove past a Polizeianwarter, he grabbed me, and there was no escape. I apologized on site, told him, let's work it out, yet to no avail. I was being dumb, mostly due to alcohol. I should go play other games when intoxicated, and I didn't. I would like to yield and show reflection upon this error. Obviously this is no suprise to long standing staff members, but at the end of the day, it was just some noise in a car passing by. I'd like to get back to the more important aspects of the server. Once again, I extend my apologies for spamming my soundboard. Have an excellent evening. Additional Information: I’d like to also add, the official ban note was “Micspam with a AI Hit*** song." This is not accurate, because I was playing Serbian music. This could have been discussed if I would have been pulled to a staff sit in a staff square instead of banned on the street with no discussion. Instead, I was told “I’m giving you a break.” With no discussion or official statement in a staff sit. All conducted on a police character. While I was absolutely playing music, I was not playing anything related to the Third Reich. Good day.
  7. Angel

    Angel’s Appeal

    Again, I'd be willing to address the nonsense of which you speak of, but I don't really recall what I could have said that would be such a problem that it needs to be mentioned here. In regards to being a complete and total detriment, I don't think is the case, if I was unbanned from my previous ban, in the first place. Regardless, if I didn't want to enjoy the server, and continue playing, I wouldn't be making this appeal, as suggested to me. True, as I mentioned in the appeal above, I have did plenty of outrageous acts, and I do believe I have actually learned from my errors, and wish to do good and progress here, as well as progress others. Obviously I am at no room to negotiate, or make demands, but I can say with honorable word, that I can and will, if given the opportunity, strive to be better.
  8. Angel

    Angel’s Appeal

    Why not at all, you feel it necessary that I address the comments made, so I’d like to address them. But to answer your question, I don’t see myself shitting on the server. Anyone can talk shit about a video game/place and just as easily go back to it. Shit happens, comments are made, and they are just as easily forgotten about the next day. People do it all the time. I can say the server is enjoyable, but I can’t say I haven’t made negative comments, nope that would be a lie. Yet, people do make negative comments all the time, and come back anyway.
  9. Angel

    Angel’s Appeal

    Provide some examples so I can answer it.
  10. Your Name: Angel SteamID: STEAM_0:1526798699 Appeal Type: Apology Which staff member banned you?: Virus How long is your ban for?: For-ever. Why were you banned?: “For your consistent behavior on getting banned, and having zero regard for the server rules, specially when you go on to "minge" on alternate characters while holding a position of importance.“ Why do you deserve to be unbanned?: I am appealing my ban, by presenting an apology and a solution. Around February 2nd, I was Perma banned for ultimately blowing my final chance by rdming an individual for hearing a radio frequency in base. That was the final straw, and thus, I was permanently banned from the server. I attempted to reach solutions with Verax through the month of March, and ultimately, didn’t make ends meet with results. Fast forward to late April, I receive information that I was becoming unbanned from Verax, and that I was being given, yet again, another chance, to come back and redeem myself, and benefit the server. While unexpected, I accepted, and after about a 25-30 minute discussion with Verax, I was unbanned, and even received a position in an in game faction. Now, here comes the question. “Why are you banned now?” Well, I do not know why I was banned this morning around 6 AM, because I assumed a good term was made with server senior leadership, I.e Verax and Virus, but it seems I was wrong. Now, I am going to extend my apologies about these specific articles which were presented to me yesterday, and address them. “For your consistent behavior on getting banned, and having zero regard for the server rules, specially when you go on to "minge" on alternate characters while holding a position of importance.” 1. In regards to the consistent behavior in getting banned, this is obviously true. I have been a clown time and time again, and while bringing fun and good to most factions I lead, I cannot be contradictory on myself and go about spawning APCs for civilians, leading armed revolts without UA approval (30+ people was pretty good though ngl), etc. I have already ensured to myself and Verax in a call that nothing related to this will be happening, and that I would be paying close attention to how I act and re-act. 2. Having zero regard for server rules. This statement is pretty broad, but I definently cannot say it’s wrong, I mean I most definitely RDMed with little context to the situation, I abused flags, etc. Once again, in the call with leadership, I informed such actions won’t be happening ever again. I am steering clear of such…actions. 3. Minge on alternate characters. I’ve absolutely did this, and so have plenty of others, however, despite me coming off my ban for 48 hours, I’ve only used my secondary character to sit idle when I need to AFK. I will not be using secondary characters for mingery. In final: I have definently not been the best player on this server, and I have definently did my fair share of bad apple actions, however, that is in the past, “water under the bridge”, as I can quote from someone I know, and I am looking forward to doing my party to better role play and factions. I do extend my apologies with this statement to anyone I may have harmed, in any plausible way. This concludes my appeal. Good day. Additional Information: None.

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