Character's name & rank: Derek Muller Battalion, 9th Kompanie | ⚔ | Kaisergarde | ⚔ | Rank: Stabsfeldwebel | ⚔ | Certs: MRK
SteamID32: [U:1:1176302964]
Staff member who issued the PK (if you know): Claymore
Explain why you were PK'd: For Rdm
Why should you be un-PK'd?: im new to the game and didn't realise how easy it was to get PK'd, i got shot, panicked, and shot back.
Additional Information: my KG character was pk'd for defending myself against military, they killed all my CO's after us leaving the base upon request, then shot me after i shot back. here is the clip that got me Pk'ed from reporting player.
Witness statement :