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Beach last won the day on August 31 2024

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  1. Hello, I told you last ban appeal that a cake would need to be baked in order to be unbanned. The decision on that is final. Please bake the cake and upload a photo of it on this ban appeal. Thank you.
  2. Hello, Thank you for appealing on the forums. Very unusual excuse for breaking fear rp I must agree with @Bowlpackand say that's a new one. Here is the clip of the situation: https://streamable.com/8e42nq As shown in the clip you were told to stop moving and given multiple warnings. In no regard for your life you told the individual "I am going to shoot you" Therefore by saying that being shot yourself in the process. Next time if your cat is jumping out the window maybe step away from the keyboard instead of running around. Thank you.
  3. +1 The love of my life. My pookie bear. Oh how I wish you made this application earlier.
  4. Hello, Please follow the template here in regards to PK's: Character's name & rank: SteamID32: Staff member who issued the PK (if you know): Explain why you were PK'd: Why should you be un-PK'd?: Additional Information:
  5. Beach

    PK Appeal

    Hello Thank you for using the forums to appeal something you feel was unjust. I was the staff member who issues the PK. Unfortunately you were offline before I could explain in a sit what had occurred. The NSB agent wished to search your pockets after you had been arrested. For the NSB agent it said you were AFK. Therefore the NSB agent asked you to move while placing a gun to your head. (Fear RP) In return you shrugged off the gun having no fear for your life. You were given more then amble time to move. Here is the clip. https://medal.tv/?contentId=ivyFa9pYRnweXiFrP&invite=cr-MSxhVzQsNzIxNzA1NjUs&spok=d1337IDObwk1 Thank you I hope the best in the future.
  6. Beach

    Ban Appeal

    Hi, What a poor excuse for killing someone. This type of behavior not only harms your experience on the server but also effects everyone around you. There was 20+ people at the ceremony and you decided to shoot the Prince Regent breaking everyone's fun that they had worked towards. And your justification for a door dash gift card, and the fact you show us photos of you getting the gift card just shows me you have no regrets. Enjoy your door dash and I hope you enjoy your break from the server.
  7. Get the stuff to bake it? Or get a bakery to make one for you?
  8. He's wrong He isn't messaging officially on your ban appeal is he? Give the people what they want. Bake that Cake!
  9. Which Super admin said this?
  10. Hello PickleJuice78 After discussion it has been determined a cake should be baked in order to return to the server. Specifically one featuring the prometheus logo and name. Once this has been done please submit another ban appeal with the requested cake image. Regards, Beach
  11. Hello I was the staff member who issued the flags being removed. You kept using props in an abusive way that another staff member had notified me you had already been warned about. In this incident which involved your flags getting removed you mass spawned baby doll props and flinged them around the ICC. I will let the staff member who previously warned you verbally comment @dawg I think you should receive your flags back but after a week. Thanks.

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