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Everything posted by CheekiThorax

  1. Hi, yes I am the one who banned you originally I banned you for either 4 to 7 days. However the console had detected a ban evasion attempt hence the perma thus out of my control. The reason as to why I banned you was during a ceremony of which alot of people were present you were disturbing the event via playing very loud and silly things down the mic.
  2. Hi, yes I am the person who issued the ban I am not currently able to get to my PC as at work however when I took the ticket and checked logs you had been disconnected by user and also you had broken NLR as the person who reported the situation had killed you multiple times I want to say at least 6-7 times while trying to arrest you with other lapo members, that being said I didn't even realise at the time but if we are going of pk guidelines you should also be PK'd. Once I get to my PC I will find the evidence to support my claims Many thanks, Cheekithorax
  3. Neutral, They do seem to be hunting for PK's however you did break fear rp
  4. -1 Seems like a running thing with RDM with yourself as you were banned a few days ago by myself for rdm
  5. If you feel I have made the wrong call and or feel you have been mistreated feel free to make a staff report on the forums.
  6. Not to be rude but as you can see in the clip there is alot of green (Military) which you can see if you were in a 3rd person perspective on your char by no means does that give you the right to spray a MP40 into a crowd of people hence why I saw it fit to give you the punishment for RDM.
  7. Hi, Yes I was the one who issued the ban as In the clip provided to myself there was no intent to RP a situation and a severe lack of trigger discipline. Clip provided in Sit: https://medal.tv/games/garrys-mod/clips/2dWOQnF3VWsZ31/d1337r3BPbMb?invite=cr-MSxJVEwsMjI1NTgzNzQ4LA Additional info: As for being "top marine" as a Fregattenkapitän within the Marines I can assure you that there has been no talks of you being top enlisted.
  8. Neutral/+1 as I've had multiple encounters with you and there was great RP However as others have stated low playtime
  9. +1 Had many run ins with you and cant say there's been any problems with you.
  10. Hi, yes you were discussing it with me but it was valyy who PK'd you with the UA approval of Hound But for me Im going to say -1 as I told you on discord you have been PK'd via the PK guidleines. Or to simply put it you started a gunfight and died
  11. +1 great guy reached out for help, good luck!
  12. Neutral Not had many run-ins with you
  13. Neutral Had no interactions with you
  14. Hi, Yes I am the one who gave you the 2 day ban prior to you being banned you had an report for rdm I want to say 45 minutes prior to which I warned you to not do it again otherwise the consequences would be far greater. And roughly 10 minutes before you were banned a member of the lapo reported you for RDM and when I checked the logs you disconnected by user straight after you killed him, leading me to this decision. (Once I get to my PC I will provide the clips given to myself) https://medal.tv/clips/2cnVA5uyoNJJED/vpxNWSipH?invite=cr-MSxvVUQsMjAzOTMwMzkyLA
  15. Im going to say neutral leaning towards +1 as he wasnt attempting to run away as such but resisting arrest which couldve of been RP'd out it seems to me PK was a last resort? But please for the love of god use the template...
  16. -1 you were placed under fear rp by multiple members of the military and you shot back, which you can do but you need to realise your at risk of a pk doing so.
  17. Steam Name: Cheekithorax SteamID32: STEAM_0:1:610117034 Discord Username/ID: Cheekithorax Timezone: BST Age: 21 Time Played (check with !time): Before the wipe I had 3+ weeks however due to reset I'm at 1D 3H 42M Your current rank(User/Donator/Trusted): Donator Do you have a mic & will you use it?: Yes I am more than happy to Are you consistently active on the forums and server?: I am consistent on the server however I understand I'd need to be active on forums as a member of the staff team Did anyone from the Recruitment Team assist you in making your application?: Yes Koifish helped me with the playtime ( told me to put rough estimate of playtime before reset) Staff Recommendations (Sponsors will be asked to verify): Lawson and Yussil Basic Information Section IC Character names, ranks, and brief overview of their duties/everyday activities in a list format: NSB-Polizeihauptmeister Rudolph Eisenhougher - Was previously a hauptkommissar and Chief of AMT III-A however due to circumstances I am now the current rank stated at the beginning, As a member of AMT III-A my job is to prioritise on gathering intel on both within the MOI and Outside to identify and act against enemy's pf the state and people that put the empires integrity at risk. on a day to day basis I will go out onto the streets of berlin asking people for ID, I will also write reports on anything I find and back my documents up with photos taken by camera, due to the rank I used to be I helped newer members to the NSB wrap their head around the tons of paperwork to be done and tell them how to go into situations depending of what type of people your working with and their cooperativeness' . How long have you been roleplaying?: I have been roleplaying now for roughly 6 years with only 2 years on Gmod but I have also RP'D in arma and on Dayz so I am most definitely familiar. Have you received any infractions i.e Notes/Bans? If so, what were they for and what could you have done to prevent getting them next time?: I am not sure on if I have recieved any notes but if so it would be for RDM and I could of prevented it by escalating a situation and making the RP more intense rather than just resorting to shooting. Staff Knowledge Section What previous experience so you have as a staff member either within Garry’s Mod or the Nutscript Gamemode? A long while ago I used to be staff for Prometheus but due to my work OOC being so strenuous I had to hand in my notice. Why do you believe we should pick you for the Prometheus Networks Staff Team?[300 words or more]: I believe that you should pick me to join the Prometheus staff team because I have a strong enjoyment and passion for this server and I have believe it or not not RP'd on any other GMOD server. My friend that also used to be staff kegawa (this was when moustache man was allowed) First introduced me to Prometheus and since then I have not left the community. I am wanting to join the staff team as I want to give back to what the community gave me, and I would happily like to staff to make the community even stronger and more approachable for newcomers like used to be. From what I have seen of the staff team I get along with majority if not all that have taken my tickets in the past it was only today 01/05/2024 that two members of Prometheus staff team said they would have give me a recommendation of which I am thankful for. They stated to me that they would give me a recommendation due to my ability to keep my head when stuff that was clearly against me and not in my favour for example I was meant to be PK'D today but upon further talking to staff I made it clear that the person aiming to PK me had done so by targeting me in a OOC matter. It was not until that point I was not 100% into applying but now that I've seen the Staff at work discussing matters like previously stated, that I finally got the courage and time to write up this application. I just really want to reinforce to whomever is reading this that I wish for the Prometheus community to not only survive but thrive further with excellence with the staff team it has got and I'd be very grateful if they would let me follow in their footsteps. What are the duties and responsibilities of the position you are applying for in your own words? [150 Words or more]: The responsibility of a staff member is to ensure that the game mode is being played correctly and the RP is being conducted in a way that it follows all guidelines whether that be the Face punch guidelines or the RP guidelines that can be found on Prometheus forums. To be a staff member is to be neutral during a dispute regardless of whether it is someone you know or if it is someone in your faction and/or dislike. no matter the circumstances all rules must be followed no matter how big or small all sits must be dealt with fairly and you must talk to the people in the sit with respect even if they are disrespectful towards you. The aim is to keep a level head and be someone that is approachable when a player has a problem, ensuring you build a good reputation as a staff member as if you don't it could reflect badly on the whole community.
  18. Your Name: Rudolph Eisenhougher SteamID32: STEAM_0:1:610117034 (not sure if this is correct but its what it says on acc details) Player's Name(s): Matrose Clemens Krehl Player's SteamID32(s): STEAM_0:0:197057786 Rules Broken (Provide evidence for each): Targeting Me for a Pk after a OOC RDM sit Evidence (Videos/Screenshots): https://medal.tv/games/garrys-mod/clips/2atU47Rdesas4G/d1337flkyVAX?invite=cr-MSxNUlgsMjAzOTMwMzkyLA Additional Information: Multiple staff members were there for the sit these staff members include: Lawson Yussil Saito Valy I was not PK'd but was demoted due to a member of UA deeming it was unfair how I was targeted, I am mainly making this report so this player doesn't do this to anyone else

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