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  1. I'm going to respond to this considering I was there for this incident; yesterday, a meeting with all members of National High Command occured inside of my office, an enlisted man within the Feld followed the Kriegsmarschall inside of the office. Considering it was a room full of generals, it was made abundantly clear that only General Ranking Officers were to be permitted entry. Three of my guards aimed their weapons at the man who was sitting down at the time and ordered him to stand, he refused to comply with their orders after almost one minute. He was killed, no PK was given to him which was generous given the fact he continuously broke FearRP and screamed after being shot and dying.
  2. Good Afternoon, You know me, the people love me; it's your benevolent Chancellor. Let's delve into the details a little further just to examine the situation at hand in depth, know that this is coming from a third party, a non-factor in your death. The first point that I bring to attention is the clip that you present as evidence, within the clip you willingly engage in a gunfight with two civilians that were not actively firing at you; you may say that they were firing at other members of the military, but I would claim much like you that is heresay and is neither here 'nor there. The second point that arises is the issue of the 'incident reports' that claim that you detained the General, that is hardcore evidence signed by people that are willing to stake their lives on that information. There has long been a history of allowing roleplay to occur, in this scenario, you yourself along with your Marines antagonized the Interior Ministry and its subsidiary organizations for days on end without reprieve. I'd imagine that if your building was raided everyday and your men tied up consistently that you'd call for the head of a leading figure that was apart of those operations; this is standard in roleplay, you imagined that you were just going to walk all over these people without consequence, this is your consequence. Trying to usher in a concept that has been long-forgotten within the community of general-ranking officers being needlessly detained is difficult, I will admit, you backed the snake into a corner and it bit you; you're surprised by this?
  3. But those two weeks will be the best two weeks on this server, record lows on ticket-times.
  4. Introduction Information Section Steam Name: FerretWithAHat SteamID32: STEAM_0:0:160830128 Discord Username/ID: ferretwithnohat Timezone: EST Age: 23 Time Played (check with !time): 3d; obviously I've been here longer but the reset... Your current rank(User/Donator/Trusted): User Do you have a mic & will you use it?: Yep Are you consistently active on the forums and server?: You know it Did anyone from the Recruitment Team assist you in making your application?: Nope Staff Recommendations (Sponsors will be asked to verify): N/A Basic Information Section IC Character names, ranks, and brief overview of their duties/everyday activities in a list format: Chancellor and Acting-Head of State Hans Schacht; Chief Executive of the Empire, responsible for day to day governance of the nation; responsible for the upkeep of the Emperor's Small Council How long have you been roleplaying?: 6 Years Have you received any infractions i.e Notes/Bans? If so, what were they for and what could you have done to prevent getting them next time?: N/A Staff Knowledge Section What previous experience so you have as a staff member either within Garry’s Mod or the Nutscript Gamemode? Typhon Networks Prometheus Networks Why do you believe we should pick you for the Prometheus Networks Staff Team?[300 words or more]: Being here since the founding of the server, I have played pivotal roles at various points in the servers development; having roleplayed as Generalfeldmarschall, Chief of the Main Security Office, Chancellor, Vice-Chancellor, along with my six years of experience roleplaying in the same game mode, I possess a wide variety of knowledge in all subject matters pertaining to the server. Further, my reputation on the server both in and out of character precedes me, I am a known figure within the community and have held a position on the staff team in prior eras of this community. Continuing, politics and talking is sort of my thing, I hold the fundamental belief that if you have the ability to talk to people directly and bluntly, then you can make it far in life; I have proven time and time again to have honed this skill. Factoring in my role as Chancellor within the server, I seek to implement a more serious roleplay environment; holding a role on the staff team and being a voice for the player will prove to be pivotal in my implementation of serious roleplay. Now, I am by no means the arbiter of serious roleplay 'nor the decider in the direction that the server takes in terms of roleplay, merely allowing the player to decide and take that path is pivotal. Having held a position on the staff team prior, I have knowledge of nutscript commands along with the wide-array of custom commands implemented within the server; I am also familiar with the ranks along with the factions within the server. Summing all of this up, there are factors in which allow me to assist in overhauling the roleplay environment along with the experience, the connections I have formed throughout my six years in the same game mode, along with the fact that I have years of previous experience in not only other servers but Prometheus itself. What are the duties and responsibilities of the position you are applying for in your own words? [150 Words or more]: The duties and responsibilities of a staff member are simple and can be easily explained, the ticket quota throughout the years has changed from time to time, I believe it currently sits at one-hundred tickets per week, therefore; the first responsibility you have is actively maintaining that quota. Further, the other responsibility is held towards the player, you are an expression of the server and as such, are responsible for conducting yourself in a manner fitting (in my case) not only a staff member, but a member of National High Command. In addition to this, you need to have the ability to hold a level head along with think on your feet, you're responsible for banning people along with warning individuals; why shouldn't you be able to come up with a punishment in the blink of an eye? Further, people know me to be a fair and just individual, an eye for an eye; a punishment fitting of the action committed resulting in the punishment. Notes:

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