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  1. 13. Ordered to be executed by a General Officer [PK] in this case you where derived to Generalmajor Norman D. Baker from feld where he ordered you to be executed for more information refeer here: https://wiki.prn.gg/wiki/PK_Guidelines
  2. Steam Name: Navarov SteamID32: STEAM_1:1:88294623 Discord Username/ID: navarovmacsuca Timezone: EST Age: 25 Time Played 2d 14hrs ( prolly 2 weeks before the reset) Your current rank: Donator. Do you have a mic & will you use it?: Yes. Are you consistently active on the forums and server?: I lurk on the forums and more active on the server on weekends and part of the week except monday since i work late those days Did anyone from the Recruitment Team assist you in making your applicati.on?: Saito provided me with all of the info and offered to help me. Staff Recommendations : Slick Basic Information Section IC Character names, ranks, and brief overview of their duties/everyday activities in a list format: Korvettenkapitan Wilhelm Von Sudwest: Middle age man who has served in several institutions on the empire currently serving as chief of the 1st Kompanie of marine artillery, his day to day duties are recruiting, training and leading men of the 1st Kompanie alonside assisting other branches of the armed forces, usually moving factions when he considers he has left enough able men to lead the faction or his section without him, usually those men being NCO's or High NCO's How long have you been roleplaying?: For about 5 years on Gmod, took a little break from it on 2020-22 for personal reasons (went back to the chilean army for emergency matters) Have you received any infractions i.e Notes/Bans? If so, what were they for and what could you have done to prevent getting them next time?: i have only gotten a couple verbal warnings on RDM for shooting civilians in the past as well some gags for playing music, i have been more carefull when shooting civilians and stopped playing music so loud or near RP situations Staff Knowledge Section What previous experience so you have as a staff member either within Garry’s Mod or the Nutscript Gamemode? I ran my own DarkRP server for a couple of years, with a friend also we ran one of the most popular DarkRP servers on south america and the most popular on Chile on it's time, those being TKN (The Kill Night) and HCRP (Heavy Caliber Roleplay). Then for a while i developed (terribly) a small nutscript server for some friends and then i was for a bit Staff on a 1970's East Germany roleplay (forgott the name). Why do you believe we should pick you for the Prometheus Networks Staff Team? Throughout my time in the community, I've intentionally kept a low profile. Not out of shyness, but because I prefer to remain inconspicuous. This approach has been my shield against potential PK’s or being targeted by intelligence agencies like the NSB or any other intelligence agency for that matter. However, despite my low profile, I believe I could contribute significantly to the community as a staff member. I possess strong observational skills, allowing me to keenly assess any situation. I can easily identify rule violations, foresee potential issues or possible conflictive players, and recognize when an exploit or hack is being employed. Furthermore, I am accustomed to dealing with conflictive players. I don't compromise when it comes to enforcing rules or ensuring the integrity of the gaming experience for all players. My primary concern is maintaining a fair and enjoyable environment. Although my responsibilities will be limited initially, I am eager to commit myself fully to the role. I am passionate about encouraging friendly resolutions and maintaining a positive atmosphere within the community. I am always ready to assist players, and I will actively engage with support tickets. I speak multiple languages, including English, Spanish, and Portuguese. This allows me to speak with players who don’t speak english or struggle (as i know there’s a couple ones and may be more in the future) . When it comes to enforcing sanctions, I am fair but firm. I tend to be stricter when it comes to offenses like Random Deathmatch (RDM), Mass RDM, and Vehicle Deathmatch (VDM) as these are often the most disruptive and abusive behaviors within the community and tend to be the most common. However, I am committed to following the community's established guidelines and sanctions if there’s a chart to give out those. While I may not be the most well-known member of the community, I am confident in my abilities to contribute positively as a staff member. My keen observation skills, commitment to fairness, multilingualism, and dedication to maintaining a positive environment make me a strong candidate for this role. I am eager to bring my unique perspective and skills to the staff team and help ensure the continued success and enjoyment of our community and server. What are the duties and responsibilities of the position you are applying for in your own words? The duties and responsibilities of the Staff are quite simple but hard, take tickets, make sure people aren't being monkeys and conflict resolution, the last 2 come from the first because a ticket may vary in nature for example: "I get a ticket from John Doe claiming to have been RDM'd by some police officer, i bring both of them to the staff room and separate them so none of them can hear eachother's, John Doe claims that police officer Karl Hansen shot him unprovoked when going to the police station to enlist, i go to speak to Karl Hansen and he claims that he warned him several times to leave as they were on a state of alert and the police station was closed to everyone due high ranking officers being inside and provides me footage of the incident clearly showing that Karl did indeed warn him several times, i go to John and explain him and show the footage, He leaves the server, i return Karl and apologize for wasting his time" Now a lot of people could state that John Doe LTAPed but none of them broke a rule here and a sanction is not in order as was just a misunderstanding, this was an example of what i think is part of what im applying for, not just that ofc there could be several examples of situations where 1 or both parties are wrong or i may even be wrong (that's why i could ask for second opinions sometimes) also the faction moving is part of these duties aswell keeping an eye out for exploits,cheaters and minges within the server ruining other's experience this is what overall i think are staff duties keeping a good enviroment for players, making sure all is running and smooth so nobody has reasons to complaint (i know tho there's always gonna be somebody) and players have a good server experience
  3. Steam Name: Navarov SteamID32: STEAM_0:1:88294623 Discord Username/ID: navarovmacsuca Are you VIP?: Yes Time Played (Check in-game using !time): 1d and 16h but if we add the time before the server reset it amounts to a week or more prolly since i played even before the timeline reset Characters Name & Rank, and a brief explanation of their duties: Kapitänleutnant Wilhelm von Sudwest: he is in charge of the I. Seekompanie “Schwarze Perle”, passed through many factions and ministries such as the army,luft,science ministry (also amt baumer before the timeline reset),KG,Assistant Richter,LAPO and ministry of foreign affairs, finally is my goal to every faction that i get in when i eventually leave, i leave behind capacitated men to upkeep the faction What will you use the trusted rank for?: Mainly recruitment, not only in my faction as if i can help anyone within the armed forces waiting for staff if they ask my help ofc i will do Staff Recommendations: None

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