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  1. 1+ The feldjager salary is absolutely not a necessity and shall be a much better use for the war effort. It's for the greater good!
  2. Your Name: Dagobert von Gottfried-Wilhelm IV / Major, A.S Muncher SteamID32 (STEAM_0:X:XXX): STEAM_0:1:542780557 Appeal Type (Apology or Dispute): Dispute Which staff member banned you?: Jack How long is your ban for?: 1 Week Why were you banned?: LTARP/NITRP Why do you deserve to be unbanned?: Gmod crashed of course whilst I was being interrogated after being arrested, I instantly went to reload the game but wasn't even given 5 minutes before I got banned for LTARP. I have no idea why NITRP was added to the ban reasons since I was very much roleplaying and complying to the interrogators questions. Despite that there really isn't much I can add to this just pretty disappointed that I wasn't even given the time to re-join considering that I was actually engaging in the roleplay instead of just stonewalling like most LTAPS do. Additional Information: Would like a good reason to why NITRP was added to the reason for ban. The individual who reported me to staff must have very ban hungry i suppose, normally I like to give people sometime before calling admins at least 5-10 mins, personally I think it should be some sort of rule since this must happen very often if staff are so quick to ban people for LTARP.
  3. +1 Has a good understanding of the rules and in general he is very intelligent, very active and keen to be staff. Would be a good addition.
  4. Character's name & rank: Luetnant Montgomery Flashheart II SteamID32: STEAM_0:1:542780557 Staff member who issued the PK (if you know): Coffee Explain why you were PK'd: I honestly have no clue why I was pk'd apparently It was issued an hour ago, I believe it was because of this morning when a minge lapo that commited nlr maybe 3 times by singlehandly raiding the icc multiple times and tried to mug 3 military that were all armed by himself including me, I wasn't the only person who proceeded to pull out their gun. Also a staff member was present during this time and told me that it wasn't a pk since u must outnumber the people you are trying to mug therefore I'm not even sure if this was the correct incident. Why should you be un-PK'd?: Think it is pretty weird instance im pretty sure the lapo was issued a warning at the time for nitrp and nlr, im pretty sure he logged on later to report me since the staff members present at the time who actual were aware of the situation at the time wouldn't take his ticket, I haven't be in berlin almost all day and honestly was very excited to return from work and enjoy my character but left disappointed. Additional Information:
  5. +1 Long standing member of the community, would hate to see him go. Wasn't intentional and deserves a second chance.
  6. Any news? What's the verdict? Would be pretty peak if u could let me return as soon as possible, would be so grateful Would be epic if UA said ye or nah
  7. What I don't understand is that there simply no point in making a ticket for something that probably wouldn't even be a verbal warning. I didn't have the patience nor time to report the guy for doing something so petty. Therefore I gave him warnings before I shot him but still followed me around the icc harassing me so he doesnt value his life which is fearrp no? which makes my wish i clipped the whole instance but i really did not believe i would get banned for such ridiculousness
  8. Your Name: Major A.S Muncher SteamID32 (STEAM_0:X:XXX): STEAM_0:1:542780557 Appeal Type (Apology or Dispute): Dispute Which staff member banned you?: pauljac3 How long is your ban for?: 3 days Why were you banned?: RDM | POs Why do you deserve to be unbanned?: For first the original warning I had was in dead hours and was between me and 3 friends who were which gave me full permission to shoot and were totally cool with shooting and the admin pulled me into a sit 3 hours later to give me a warning. And the actual ban was because I shot a minge who was refusing to leave me alone and harassing me and I simply did not have the time to pull him into a sit knowing that he will only get a warning. Additional Information: 3 days is just too harsh lol, literally massacred whole of tiny china and got a shorter ban. If anything it should be a warning considering the first one was completely irrelevant.
  9. Steam Name: BattyDestroyer-3000 SteamID32: 76561199045826843 Discord Username/ID: BattyDestroyer-3000/battydestroyer_3000 Are you VIP?: No. Has pet flags though Time Played (Check in-game using !time): 1w 4d 15h 13m Characters Name & Rank, and a brief explanation of their duties: Oberst Clive Cromwell, Deputy Chief of 2nd infantry company. Often find myself recruiting when there's no staff online or when they don't answer ticket often lead the men in downtime hours. What will you use the trusted rank for?: To put men into the faction, spawn vehicles for operations. Staff Recommendations: N/A
  10. Is that less communist for you now, just a left hand party
  11. My apologies Jack I thought i had to put all my characters in there as a recuirment
  12. That was kind of the idea anyways. Thank you Skipper If someone can help me to actually construct a functioning faction it would mean a lot.
  13. Steam Name: BattyDestroyer-3000 SteamID32: 76561199045826843 Discord Username/ID: battydestroyer_3000/Pavel Zhukov Time Played (check with !time): 1w 2d 19h 50m Name of Organization: SED (Sozialistische Einheitspartei Deutschlands) Number of Members (Minimum of 5, could expand); Chairman: Pavel Zhukov Vice Chairman: Anon von Huasser Chief of Finance: Eugene Vogt General Secretary: Hans Kroenen Chief of Main Office: Wolfgang Richter Chief of Propaganda: Peter Davison Chief of Central Security: Mieczysław Kosmowski Chief of Paramilitary: Vladimir Adropov Chief of Party Police: Iov Alexev Chief of Intelligence: Karl Ruprecht Kroenen Type Of Organization : Political Party Ethnic Background (ex: Italian, Japanese, German, etc): Russian Influence, German Why should your organization be accepted? [100 words or more]: I feel in these past few weeks that there has been a real lack of something to do, very little investigations and especially in the military there's no one to shoot. I'm bored of fighting our very own government (other factions). But I'm not exactly looking to make a terrorist faction however there will be elements that require fighting like how the actual soviet union came to power, common thuggery like gambling, mugging such and such. I want a genuine political party that influences genuine roleplay and creates something new and exciting. Minges will not be tolerated in my faction and I will to everything possible to ensure that server rules are followed by my colleges, if not I will be forced to remove them from the faction. I want to do everything in my power to ensure that the party does not crumble in a matter of days. I would like to make it clear that I have no intent in other throwing the throne (Would literally be impossible anyways) or disrupting and creating issues I simply want to make a new roleplay experience that everyone can enjoy. On top of that with the recent news of a Russian terror I feel as if this party will only add to the servers history, and make an experience that isn't just on paper and will spark a genuine contribution to the current news and be a real threat to berlins current situation. Provide an example of the unique roleplay your organization will bring to the server: I'm still deciding on what I will do with the party however I have a few suggestions that I will like to introduce. Underground arms trade, this will be the heavy use of the sewers in order to arm party members with weapons in an attempt to gain power. After gaining influence I would like to involve myself in political conferences. I would also like to add business like gambling and possible drug dealing (I heard they might be bringing back drugs, not sure if that's true though). On top of that I would probably try and purchase factory's were I can hide weapons recruit workers etc. What is the backstory of your organization? [200 words or more]: A major far-left political party during the interwar period, an underground resistance movement in Imperial Germany. Founded in the aftermath of the First World War by socialists who had opposed the war, the party joined the Spartacist uprising of January 1919, which sought to establish a soviet republic in Germany. After the war the party saw a substantial uprising which was seen as a threat to the kaisers position and ordered the assassination of the SED's greatest leaders Rosa Luxemburg, Karl Liebknecht and Leo Jogiches. Afterwards the party saw a catastrophic decline over 20 years, Because of this the 1920s saw the SED racked by internal conflict between radical and moderate factions, partly reflecting the power struggles between Joseph Stalin and Grigory Zinoviev in Moscow. The leadership of the Sozialistische Einheitspartei Deutschlands had requested that Moscow send Leon Trotsky to Germany to direct the 1923 insurrection. However, this proposal was rejected by the Politburo which was controlled by Stalin, Zinoviev and Kamenev who decided to send a commission of lower-ranking Russian Communist party members. Causing a chain reaction that almost collapsed the party and almost lead the party to be forgotten about. Until 1940 when Pavel Zhukov sought to revive the party and place them back on the podium. His ideologies have become popular with the people who believe that war with the Soviet union who are opposing themselves as a threat will crush Germany, And changing the government is the only way to keep the peace. Notes: My ideas are stilly being added and have to yet decide what I would like to do, also anyone who would like to get in contact my discord is battydestroyer_3000. I am in need of experienced leaders with knowledge of the servers politics and such so please let me know if you would like to get involved with the faction. If the faction does take it off I would also be very interested in creating unique character models for it. Thank you.
  14. Bug. My characters name is Kommissar Conrad Leipzig of the Lapo And for some reason my character is receiving 35 dm. Moderator Skipper tried helping me by changing my model a couple times to an officer one did nothing.

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