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About Σlias

  • Birthday 11/01/2002

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  1. Erwin Koenig being friendly <33
  2. Hello 'Prometheus Steals Content'. "Everyone is allowed to use addons you upload - Steam Workshop is not your personal file hosting, it is a distribution service for user generated content. By uploading your addons to Steam Workshop you agree that anyone can download and use your uploaded content. Things like "you are not allowed to use this addon on your server" or "this was made for only this server" are not permitted on Steam Workshop. Adding code (or entities on your maps, etc.) that would discourage or prevent players from being able to use your addon on their servers or in singleplayer falls into the "Malicious Code" category." Learn to read.
  3. Description of the Bug When you retrieve a Permanent Weapon from the Vendor while your Inventory is full it disappears and you have to wait the full 30 Minutes again before being able to retrieve a new one. I believe that it should just tell you that you don't have any space left so you can either sort it differently or put stuff inside the Inventory Bank. Location of the Bug Permanent Weapon Vendor / General Store Impact on Players Waiting period before retrieving a new Permanent Weapon. Overall a Minor Impact.
  4. + 1 We love Hans Munich!
  5. Reporter: Your Name: Σlias SteamID32: 866299596 Reported: Player's Name(s): / Player's SteamID32(s): / Player's ID: 3866 / Unknown Rules Broken (Provide evidence for each): General Rules: General Rule 2: "You must have a valid RP reason to kill someone." - Randomly shooting at fishing people isn't a valid reason. General Rule 11: "Avoidance of role play is not allowed." - The Logs will show how they left & came back multiple times. General Rule 23: "If you know taking an action will result in some sort of In-Character consequence, you may not leave the server for at least 30 minutes afterward." - They left after initating combat with multiple factions that would result in a warrent. Life Rules: Life Rule 1: "You must value your character’s life." - They were outgunned in all scenarios, but attacked while we were physically unabled to shoot. Life Rule 2: "You MUST follow NLR after every death." - They respawned and rushed to us over and over again. Mugging Rules: Mugging Rule 1: "You may not mug in a public place" - They mugged us at the lake. Mugging Rule 3: "You may only kill the victim if they DO NOT comply with your demands." - They killed the detained one afterwards. Mugging Rule 4: "You may not make a character for the sole purpose of mugging." - They did nothing else but respawn and come back to mug. Logs will show that. Mugging Rule 8: "Once you have finished mugging a player who has complied with the mugging, you must flee the scene and abandon them." - Self explanatory. Killing Rules: Killing Rule 1: "You may not randomly kill someone without proper role play reason." - Self explanatory. I could easily continue this list but you get the point. Evidence (Videos/Screenshots): Mugging at the Lake RDM near KG-Base RDM at the Lake Additional Information: I understand that I broke a rule by building these "bunkers" to protect us, but we did it merely cuz there was no staff currently within the Server and they kept coming back.
  6. Has to be the Lobster, only fishable creature that isn't missing textures for me. Also they just go hard.

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