Your Name: Σlias
SteamID32: 866299596
Player's Name(s): /
Player's SteamID32(s): /
Player's ID: 3866 / Unknown
Rules Broken (Provide evidence for each):
General Rules:
General Rule 2: "You must have a valid RP reason to kill someone." - Randomly shooting at fishing people isn't a valid reason.
General Rule 11: "Avoidance of role play is not allowed." - The Logs will show how they left & came back multiple times.
General Rule 23: "If you know taking an action will result in some sort of In-Character consequence, you may not leave the server for at least 30 minutes afterward." - They left after initating combat with multiple factions that would result in a warrent.
Life Rules:
Life Rule 1: "You must value your character’s life." - They were outgunned in all scenarios, but attacked while we were physically unabled to shoot.
Life Rule 2: "You MUST follow NLR after every death." - They respawned and rushed to us over and over again.
Mugging Rules:
Mugging Rule 1: "You may not mug in a public place" - They mugged us at the lake.
Mugging Rule 3: "You may only kill the victim if they DO NOT comply with your demands." - They killed the detained one afterwards.
Mugging Rule 4: "You may not make a character for the sole purpose of mugging." - They did nothing else but respawn and come back to mug. Logs will show that.
Mugging Rule 8: "Once you have finished mugging a player who has complied with the mugging, you must flee the scene and abandon them." - Self explanatory.
Killing Rules:
Killing Rule 1: "You may not randomly kill someone without proper role play reason." - Self explanatory.
I could easily continue this list but you get the point.
Evidence (Videos/Screenshots):
Mugging at the Lake
RDM near KG-Base
RDM at the Lake
Additional Information:
I understand that I broke a rule by building these "bunkers" to protect us, but we did it merely cuz there was no staff currently within the Server and they kept coming back.