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  1. Introduction Information Section Steam Name: TheOutCast69 SteamID32 (STEAM_0:X:XXX): STEAM_0:1:625079195 Discord Username/ID: theoutcast420 Timezone: GMT+1 Age: 18 Time Played (check with !time): 3w 2d 21h 33m Your current rank(User/Donator/Trusted): USER Do you have a mic & will you use it?: Yes Are you consistently active on the forums and server?: Yes Did anyone from the Recruitment Team assist you in making your application?: Spooks Staff Recommendations (Sponsors will be asked to verify): Spooks, Saint, Turais, r4gedozm1lk, and Pennywise. Basic Information Section IC Character names, ranks, and a brief overview of their duties/everyday activities in a list format: Ryan Sigmar - Leutnant - The Richterpräsident des Wehrdienstgerichts das Brandenburg-Berlin I am the highest-ranking judge of the Brandenburg-Berlin and oversee the war courts in said district. I also conduct court trials myself and fill out paperwork. How long have you been roleplaying?: About 2 years. Have you received any infractions i.e Notes/Bans? If so, what were they for and what could you have done to prevent getting them next time?: Notes: Encouraging Global Rule 1 - Sep 3, 2024 - Colt1111 Metapromo - Aug 2, 2024 - Saito RDM - May 5, 2024 - Aurelius of Phoenix Bans: 2024-09-02 - NITRP - 1 day - Coffee I am sorry for saying inappropriate things in a IC and broke the immersion. 2024-08-06 - MRDM - 3 days - Slickb The NSB were detaining a member of the military and they were walking away. I am sorry for my actions. 2024-05-05 - MRDM - 3 days - valyy (Wrong guy got banned) I was banned on accident. 2024-05-12 - NITRP | Not a sigma - 2 days - Ryan (Appealed) I don't remember what this ban was fo, but whatever it was I will not do it again. 2024-03-01 - Global Rule 5 (Extended by Hound) - 21 days - mockywottle I made a server and used it for my roleplay group. I am sorry and won't do it again. 2024-02-27 - Minge, NITRP | Annoying. Given the opportunity to level complaints, opting to be a contrarian nerd instead. - 1 day - Hound I was rude to staff and I am sorry for that and I will not do it again. 2024-02-18 - Bye Cunt - 3 days - Omni I told Omni that he is a Nazi larper after he PK’d me. That was stupid of me and I am sorry. 2024-02-10 - LTARP - 3 days - artichoke I don’t recall the details of this ban but I am sorry for it and I will not do it again. 2023-12-11 - AMVDM | Racism | LTAP | NITRP - 14 days - FieryBlaze I was a minge back in those days and I regret it, I am truly sorry and I will not do it again. Staff Knowledge Section What previous experience do you have as a staff member either within Garry’s Mod or the Nutscript Gamemode? I used to be a Co-Owner of a DarkRP server, so I have some experience moderating servers. Why do you believe we should pick you for the Prometheus Networks Staff Team?[300 words or more]: Having been an active member of the Prometheus community for quite some time, I can boldly affirm that I know all the complexities of the community that make that place an actual period of time a good and bad time of it as well. On this account, I would kindly ask that you include me in your list of Staff members so that I can bring in my expertise to promote the well-being and steady growth of the community since I know and have the skills that are beneficial to it. I am knowledgeable about the game and will advise and help players in any possible way. I possess the patience and the necessary skills of un­derstanding that enable me to solve problems quickly and in a peaceful manner as well, as I am quick at adapting to things; hence as a Staff Member, my quick grasp on the issues will allow me to function more effectively in resolving such issues. I will demonstrate professionalism in my work by resolving support ticke­ts with speed and efficiency, keeping a consistent mode of conversation, and making sure every issue turned in to me is solved before I launch another activity like role play. In terms of my att­itude, I am both a tolerant and impartial person who will judge all the members without a strain on my conci­ence and my decision will be based on merit, loyalty, and goodwill. It is no doubt, the true fa­ct that if a problem occurs, that conflicts with the­ Staff team, I will make it up with equity, thus discouraging acts like cheating, thus promoting equity, fairness, and good trust within the Prome­theus community. In summary, I believe that being an addition to the staff team would only benefit the community and the staff team, and I will give this role my best effort and make sure to be a reliable member of staff. What are the duties and responsibilities of the position you are applying for in your own words? [150 Words or more]: Being a staff member, I have to enforce all the server rules and take my position very seriously, and that is definitely something I will be doing. Apart from seeing that the rules are observed and that roleplay is going well, I will also be involved in the process of carrying out promotions, demotions, transferring to other factions, and last but not least, taking care of Parkings as well. In PKs, I shall have to obtain the UA approval for the most PKs. I am happy to be fair and reasonable, try to listen to both sides, and be as neutral as possible. The goal for me is always to be as mature as I can when dealing with staff matters, as this is indeed a very serious task. Moreover, my job as staff is to assist people, solve their problems, and answer their questions as well as help them manage the problems that they might face. Notes: This section will be my apology for all my previous actions against this server. I am extremely sorry for my past actions towards this community, and I sincerely apologize. Before I took this server seriously, I was a hardcore minge, which is the reason for most of the bans. But I have changed, I have fallen in love with this community and fell in love with roleplaying yet again. And I regret my past actions, I promise to do better and to right the wrongs I have done by becoming a staff member and helping this community. To summarise, I was a different person, and I regret all my actions and I will do better.
  2. Your Name: Hans Sigmar(IC) theoutcast420(Discord) SteamID32 (STEAM_0:X:XXX): STEAM_0:1:625079195 Appeal Type (Apology or Dispute): Dispute Which staff member banned you?: General Of The NSB (Slickb) How long is your ban for?: 3 Days Why were you banned?: MRDM Why do you deserve to be unbanned?: Because I should not have been banned in the first place. And I got orders. I was stationed at the bank with the rest of the military and I got orders to "Shoot if they try to detain/kidnap anyone." and they started to detain a soldier in the military. They were pointing guns at him restraining him and threatening him. So I stood there for a second just to make sure I heard them correctly. Once I was 100% percent sure that they were detaining him and pointing guns at him and surrounding him. Then I opened fire and killed only the people that were detaining him. Not all NSB were there, only the ones that were trying to kidnap him. To add to that the person who banned me was the NSB that tried to detain him, to me this looks like pure bias. I never troll/minge or do anything non-RP on this server. I did what any soldier would do if their comrade got detained/Kidnapped. Also, I did not even get brought to a sit, to talk about it or to defend myself he just banned me no questions asked. If I did make a mistake, I'm sorry It won't happen again. I was only trying to follow orders and did not shoot anyone that was not posing a threat, and by that I mean anyone who had their gun out detaining a man. Additional Information: I don't have a clip but I'm pretty sure the person who banned me does.
  3. Character's name & rank: Haptmann Sigmar Wolf SteamID32: STEAM_0:1:625079195 The staff member who issued the PK (if you know): Skipper (The UA who approved it was Coffe) Explain why you were PK'd: The person who killed me said that it was because I radioed in for backup. (FrearRP) Why should you be un-PK'd?: Summary of events: I was walking to the bank not bothering anyone and two NSB came up to me and asked for my ID I said no, and they started pointing their guns at me and saying don't move you are under FearRP(This invalidates the RP) Then I radioed in for backup. When he said: "if you radio one more time I'm gonna shoot you" I stopped radioing and then they dragged me away and when they saw a bunch of military approaching and then they shot me. 1. Reason: When he told me to stop calling for backup on the radio, I stopped and I listened. So I did not break FearPR. 2. Reason: They kept saying you are under FearRP in character and they said it several times. This invalidates the RP situations as it mentions things in OOC context. Therefore the FrearRP situation is invalid. 3. Reason: Under the "How to Conduct a Permanent-Kill" under line 3 it says the following: "Roleplay properly while conducting the PK." There was no RP reason to execute me just because there was military coming towards the bank. 4. Reason: I was already restrained and being dragged away, and the NSB member refused to deal with the apparent situation in character,of possibly military men approaching from far, by shooting me in the head. I had no way to fight back as I was bound so it wasn't breaking FearRP either. 5. Reason: Under the PK Guidelines sections three and four it says the following: "3. Not using PKs as a LAST resort." and "4. Attempt to resolve the matter using other means which don't involve PKing first, unless it is deemed impossible, and agreed upon by the approving staff member." I believe that these requirements were not met. They did not use a PK as a last resort, they shot me because a bunch of military passed by. And for the second one, they did not attempt to resolve matters in other ways but they went straight for a PK. This is clearly a PK bait. Additional Information: https://medal.tv/?contentId=iorOGBJ1BDEp7dtDY&invite=cr-MSxvdUosMTEyNDAxNTU2LA&spok=d1337aUWj1HF
  4. Your Name: Sigmar Wolf(theoutcast420) SteamID32 (STEAM_0:X:XXX): STEAM_0:1:625079195 Appeal Type (Apology or Dispute): Apology Which staff member banned you?: I don't know. How long is your ban for?: 2 Days Why were you banned?: NITRP Why do you deserve to be unbanned?: Yeah I was messing around a bit after I got demoted from the Heer, and I took it too far, and I'm sorry. I'm not a minge I love playing on this server and roleplaying. This is my sincere apology, please unban me. Additional Information: I'm sorry for my actions. It won't happen again.
  5. +1 Yes, I was there. He was not advertising. We were talking and he said that there is a shit clone of Prometheus and I said whats it called and he send me the link. He did not mean to advertise the server to others. We were just shit-talking the garbage clone of Prometheus, and he sent the link without thinking. I never joined the server and we don't even play on it. I think a perm ban on a serious roleplayer like Jemo is to much. He just made a mistake. I think he should have been warned or at least talked to in a sit before such harsh action. Also we were in a private area when he sent the link, I am the only one who has seen it and I did not even join. Again his intention was not to advertise but to shittalk the server. Please reduce the time of his ban or approve the appeal I think its to much for a person that never breaks the rules and is always nice to people and help new players get a start on the server.

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