Character's name & rank: Generalmajor Martin Hauzer
SteamID32: STEAM_0:0:424374497
Staff member who issued the PK (if you know): Hound and Donzoko
Explain why you were PK'd: I was taken by NSB, I ordered my men to shoot like a month ago (I saw them all gunned down, none of them survived) interogated for like 2 hrs and after I havent conffesed to anything I got killed in their office. Then i got brought by Donzoko and he explained that it was not NLR becouse Whoreson said that there is a rule that if 15+ people get shot its not NLR, even though it was never announced and was not added to the rule book. Another argument on why i have been PK'd is one witness statement (first link below) which is litearly a falsified document, and as stated in the rules, those cannot be used if someone is going to be pk'd. I oocly say, I never had any MOI raided, and it was a couple of rouge NCOs that just kind of whent there (4 in total). Also the witness statement was without any other evidence a part of the witness statement, that was made by an NCO, that we all know can be easily manipulated to give a false conffesion. After I tried explaining it all to Donzoko, on how it didint make any sense, SerHound just came out of noclip and said that I dont deserve a general spot becouse I dont play enought and that he dosent whant to listen to me, pk'ing me immedieatly.
Why should you be un-PK'd?: I belive that its not a substantial reason for a PK, and it should be handled icl'y, they havent brought me to court, nor ever tried detaining me before. Which is why I belive that one rule that dosent exist and one witness statement which is litearly a false document, is a absurd reason to be PK'd
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