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just lavinder

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just lavinder last won the day on June 17 2024

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  1. Your Name: Unteroffizier Lukas Wagner / just lavinder SteamID32: STEAM_0:0:161952042 Player's Name(s): N/A / leo Player's SteamID32(s): STEAM_0:1:37639281 Rules Broken (Provide evidence for each): RDM Evidence (Videos/Screenshots): https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=x7NHlmVzSk8 Additional Information: I made a ticket about it in which he lied about what he said during the interaction and contradicted himself multiple times and I have video evidence of all of it if you would like the video(s) DM on discord: funny_fellow the reason I'm making this report even though there was a sit about it is because he got off completely scot-free after lying and admitting to RDM all while repeatedly calling me a retard in the sit and completely ruining an RP situation by killing me when I was trying to steal the LAPO uniform
  2. +1 contrary to most I've interacted with him a good bit
  3. +1 *in a trump voice* "We love building!"
  4. -1 bro thinks he's pickle juice
  5. +1 lots of POs but I know he wont do anything stupid
  6. +1 application is a bit rough but I like the idea
  7. +1 I feel like he'll put trusted to good use

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