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  1. its been some months and hes funny so pls unban him
  2. free charlie morningstar
  3. Neutral You should put in more effort and create a poster about why to not press the pantheon button
  4. +1 He’s a good person just stupid sometimes
  5. +1 more food options also introduce the opportunity to put people on diets
  6. Description of the idea: Add medical accessories like medical armbands, backpacks and helmets to the heer models. Why should this be added?: So that people can tell medics and regular soldiers apart during combat situations. What negatives could this have?: People might put on a medical armband while not being medical personnel. Additional information: Pretty sure these exist already.
  7. +1 I have recruited the guy who claims its his address into the volkswacht yesterday and he was a complete moron. It would not surprise me if the address wasn't even his actual address and he's just making drama. Staff should go through the logs to see where the address originally came from.
  8. dollphin


    -1 wouldn't make sense considering no one just runs around with needles and iv lines... if you want to roleplay blood transfusions just join drk or the sanitätsdienst
  9. -1 Hi, this is the person who got transgendered... Here's the context to the transgender story: This guy had a restaurant and me and my friend are supportive of small businesses so we went there. Then this guy locked the door and pulled out a gun on us and held us hostage. He told me to get into a room then apparently tied me to a chair and started performing ''plastic surgery'' on me which resulted in my model being changed into a whole male. Then this freak did /me slices off ears and nose and quickly after I was freed... I am honestly just caught off guard with the fact that I got transgendered in 1940s roleplay... Looking at his discord interactions this guy is also a complete moron. He's either a little kid or actually mentally challanged. I believe that a ban isn't enough and he should completely be admitted into some sort of asylum far away from civilisation. Update: I spoke to him about the situation and apparently it wasn't transgender surgery. I got confused because an admin changed my skin without giving context while this guy was cutting up my face. I entered the room as woman and left as man, which pretty much got me to the conclusion I got transgendered. Nonetheless, the guy is still weird given his interactions on the discord server...
  10. -1 says his bataillion is the best in kg which is not true. viktoria literally 3v6d ur bataillion yesterday and won. i will +1 if he takes back his words hes really active tho and stays up late larping so i guess he could use it
  11. +1 I know him from Kaisergarde he is very professional I think he will do well

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