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  1. +1 One of the best Roleplayers I've ever met, has lots of experience in this gamemode.
  2. Still the wrong Steam ID STEAM_0:0:890889102 There you go
  3. Please provide the right steamid
  4. If you listen you can hear another CO shot with a pistol first and then I fired after he shot
  5. Character's name & rank: Generalleutnant Waltz Kliener SteamID32: STEAM_0:1:528870266 Staff member who issued the PK (if you know): Virus Explain why you were PK'd: I was PK'd for apparently initiating a Gunfight Why should you be un-PK'd?: I was at the LF when the Kanzler tried to take an Oberstleutnant of mine, 2 NCO's stood by the door trying to stop them from leaving in which the KSD shot them. I used an MG and shot them after shooting our men. I think I should be UN-PK'd because this was not a false gunfight the KSD shot at our faction members first in which another CO started shooting and I proceeded to also. Additional Information: https://medal.tv/games/garrys-mod/clips/iozY7egM80VftMbBI/d1337ACNKsSt?invite=cr-MSxrbEEsMjgxNDgzMTcs
  6. +1 Never holstered his weapon so he wasn't under fearrp
  7. +1 Very great guy and trustworthy
  8. +1 I did witness this situation and he was just laughing not joining in on the mingery
  9. Invalid

    PK Appeal

    Is this a ban or a PK appeal?
  10. +1 I believe he can come back, but his car flags need to be taken.
  11. Invalid

    Ban Appeal

    To add onto the pictures coffee sent those people were the ones who made the reports.
  12. Invalid

    Ban Appeal

    This seems to be some issue with the guy who provided the kill ID would have been a better Idea for me to go find it in the logs I was under the impression you were the one Punch Minging

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