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trołł last won the day on August 30 2024

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  1. yeah my reason is i dont like you
  2. -1 We do apology cakes now. Get with the times.
  3. -1 I dont want you to "maintain the minge-level to a minimum"
  4. +1 i dont even see why he was banned
  5. (Posting on his behalf) Your Name: Ted Couldntsky SteamID: STEAM_0:1:835990977 Appeal Type (Apology or Dispute) Apology Which staff member banned you?: Skipper How long is your ban for?: 2 days Why were you banned?: RDM Why do you deserve to be unbanned?: I would just love to get in on the New Years cheer and rub shoulders with the good people of Prometheus Networks this holiday season. I would also like to whole heartedly apologize for my transgressions towards the VSK. Additional Information: I'm sorry, raise my right hand, I will never blow away female members of the VSK with an FG42 again.
  6. we all know a criminal organization application will never be accepted
  7. Bake the cake mentioned in your previous ban appeal for any chance of returning to the server.
  8. trołł

    Ban Appeal

    The only person I think I could've possibly invited is @Krinkand we were there specifically to fuck with you. Are you sure? You guys didn't seem to like it when we got on and 'messed around' with Half-Life 2 Rocket Launchers.

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