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Dr. Intercourse, PhD

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  1. Apologies, I copied the wrong ID. STEAM_0:0:137019792
  2. All I saw was that someone who was holding one of my dupes had it disappear, so I spawned another one. I genuinely thought the explosions I heard was the admingery you guys were partaking in.
  3. I realize me not freezing my props caused this to happen, and will ensure that I will not leave them unfrozen to prevent this from happening again.
  4. Name: Cederick Stauss SteamID32: 274039584 Staff Member who issued the Flag Blacklist: Unknown Explain why your flags were blacklisted: A citizen used one of my props that was unfrozen to blow up a car. Explain why your flags should be unblacklisted: It seems like a really weird thing to be blacklisted for, considering some of the stuff other people, and even admins do with props. I wasn't at all there when this happened, and I got pulled into a sit and told I was being blacklisted because someone used my prop to propminge. A lot of people like the dupes I make for the server, and a lot of people have told me I'm a really good builder. I have a lot of fun fortifying and building structures, fences, etc. For the most part, I use my props to spruce up an otherwise pretty unappealing map. Additional Information: I don't have footage or pictures of the incident that caused me to get banned, however I do have footage of admins spawning cars to blow people up on the same night. Considering what even the admins do with their pet flags, I think what may at most be negligence being a blacklistable offense pretty absurd.
  5. Addressing the points made: 1. I was under the impression both sides had to have an attorney for the trial, and that i had been neglected getting one. I was not able to call for a CO, as I was in a prison cell. I was only told that one was called, but never showed up. 2. I plead guilty because I saw no other choice. The court case happened within half an hour, and I had nobody on my side of the court. Meanwhile, the prosecution had an attorney and two witnesses. I plead guilty in the hopes that it would lessen my sentence, figuring I was going to lose the case anyways with the cards stacked against me. I thought that fighting it would only worsen my punishment. 3. I did not know this. I was told by one of my CO's after the fact that he was only a police officer, as the document lists his rank as with the LaPo. I panicked, and saw pleading guilty as the only way to try to get out of the situation alive. Unfortunately, that didn't happen.
  6. Character's name & rank: Dederick Stauss, Oberfeldwebel SteamID32: STEAM_0:0:137019792 Staff member who issued the PK (if you know): Unknown Explain why you were PK'd: I was patrolling the ICC when i heard gunshots from atop the ICC gate. I ran up to see what was happening, and saw the kommodore and two other military members shooting at an unarmed civilian outside the gate. After they shot and killed them, I radio'd the situation in, after which an MGD attempted to arrest me, the kommodore saying that I was framing him. The MGD shot me for, what I assume is no apparent reason, then came to my spawn to arrest me again. After this, I was put into the cells, and told I was getting tried. Without any of my COs or an attorney present, adding a ton of false charges to my arrest, I was tried and sentenced to life in prison, PKing my character. Why should you be un-PK'd?: The kommodore and the two others had been mingeshooting at civilians, and two CO's from the discord told me I should make a PK appeal because of it, both suggesting it was totally unjustified. The attorney on the prosecution's side wasn't a real attorney, but a police officer. A plea deal was not offered, and I was not represented in court. Additional Information: https://docs.google.com/document/d/1-SS2HQSdqb_wHDIvsckuXL9bOi7vFoXMZTNSRUiFDeE/edit

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