Character's name & rank: Dederick Stauss, Oberfeldwebel
SteamID32: STEAM_0:0:137019792
Staff member who issued the PK (if you know): Unknown
Explain why you were PK'd: I was patrolling the ICC when i heard gunshots from atop the ICC gate. I ran up to see what was happening, and saw the kommodore and two other military members shooting at an unarmed civilian outside the gate. After they shot and killed them, I radio'd the situation in, after which an MGD attempted to arrest me, the kommodore saying that I was framing him. The MGD shot me for, what I assume is no apparent reason, then came to my spawn to arrest me again. After this, I was put into the cells, and told I was getting tried. Without any of my COs or an attorney present, adding a ton of false charges to my arrest, I was tried and sentenced to life in prison, PKing my character.
Why should you be un-PK'd?: The kommodore and the two others had been mingeshooting at civilians, and two CO's from the discord told me I should make a PK appeal because of it, both suggesting it was totally unjustified. The attorney on the prosecution's side wasn't a real attorney, but a police officer. A plea deal was not offered, and I was not represented in court.
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