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Minicooper Baddy

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  1. Still better than Perp IMO
  2. Your Name: Minicooper baddy SteamID32 (STEAM_0:X:XXX): STEAM_0:0:44617463 Appeal Type (Apology or Dispute): Dispute Which staff member banned you?: Coffee How long is your ban for?: 5 days Why were you banned?: Mrdm Why do you deserve to be unbanned?: Mrdm is an intentional mass death of anyone and everyone that has no basis in rp. There is plenty of rp context that establishes my character in the position I was in to attack and defend a friend who was being arrested. Additional Information: https://youtu.be/_W7pQ2MQkwY Clip of the incident Initially this was a permadeath I was appealing. I believe one of the players I killed was a high rank and got his friends in staff to argue against my behalf and take a sit but I digress. There is no legimate reason for me to be banned here as this was not random. I literally asked them to not make the arrest before going to the bank to get my gun, establishing the fact they were going to be in danger. Coffee literally came in at the very end of the thread, I don't believe watched my clip at all, and just made a ruling. When I attempted to reach out in dms he ignored.
  3. Hound can we moderate this behavior? Am I being rude or uncouth? I haven't attempted to insult anyone here yet all that I'm getting is insults back by this person. Why is there no room for reasonable discussion?
  4. You're the one throwing insults. I'm just trying to get to the bottom of why this rule is being placed on me when it seems like it could be applied to anyone by your own quote of the rules Dying after initiating a shoot-out [De-rank (Lower Administration), a PK may be authorized by UA if deemed necessary or if it falls under RDM and/or FailRP] You want to bring the exact rule into it, I didn't fail RP, I didn't RDM, why does this rule get utilized against me and not the people conducting the raid? In real life when police conduct raids, is there not a risk? Why is it just the people fighting back who have to take on all the risk? The way PK is being dealt out here seems very inauthentic and unreasonable. I think I killed someone higher up, they were salty about it, and decided "hey lets make an example". Why don't they also get an example made out of them?
  5. I'm not arguing if the rules are ethical I'm wondering why I was PK'd and no one else was when I broke no rules and it appears the PK was arbitrarily thrown against me because I Pk'd someone high up? "The conditions for permadeath here have already been stated. You were PK'ed for starting a gunfight and dying. You initiated a deadly altercation and died. You took a gamble and lost that gamble. I can't make it make any more sense to you than that." Okay but why is it being arbitrarily placed against me and no one else when I didn't break any rules?
  6. Instead of claiming I'm trolling why don't you present a reasonable argument against that point.
  7. Perma death makes no reasonable sense if the conditions surrounding it are not applied equally to everyone involved making the RP situation happen. IF you want to deny this go ahead, but this is bad RP. I have 5 minutes of footage showing a legitimate reason and pretense for retaliation, yet I'm the only one who is perma' deathed. Doesn't seem right.
  8. They took a gamble on life in initiating an RP raid on a political party member and arresting them. This is not a very good standard for determining who gets PK'd if the only person who can get PK'd is the person who fires the first bullet even if there is an RP situation that necessitates shooting. Perma death makes no reasonable sense if the conditions surrounding it are not applied equally to everyone involved making the RP situation happen.
  9. Ridiculous. I made it clear during our initial report that I was unsure why I was the only one PK'd, and here I am now making the report asking for the other individuals to be also PK'd. I have my suspicions why I was the only one PK'd and why our ticket was resolved so hastily and why a 3rd party had to come in and help me out, the rule you are indicating basically is just "If I say you get PK',d or you RDM/BreakRP, you are PK'd", in the situation with you, it was very much so you saying I was PK'd, so I was PK'd despite it being a very legitimate RP situation. and I repeat, if you want to PK me, PK every other person I killed there. There is a very clear 5 minute clip showing the whole interaction and that it was a legitimate RP situation. Lets get the ball rolling.
  10. Character's name & rank: Ultrecht Von Derk Elbe SteamID32: STEAM_0:0:44617463 Staff member who issued the PK (if you know): Not sure? Although who I did initially work with was EXTREMELY rude, at first he asked me calmly and kindly what the RP reason was why I'd be in tiny china RP'ing with Harmaji, and when I was trying to break it down after like 5 seconds of talking he was like "enough yapping" and PK'd me. I was working with CheekiThorax in discord however who was VERY respectful and sent me the link to the appeal forums. Explain why you were PK'd: I entered Tiny China to reach out to the owner over a prior RP situation between myself and the NSB, an individual (a gov't Minister I believe) ran out of the back of the Tiny China restaurant and got a KG who alerted the rest of the military to arrest the owner of Tiny China Why should you be un-PK'd?: I'm not here seeking a total un-PK, Additional Information: I'm here wondering why if I was PK'd, and it was a legitimate RP situation, why I'm the only one here permanently killed through this RP situation. I don't care if I was permanently killed if other people in the situation were. Attached is a 5'ish minute clip of the whole situation. I did not break NLR. I was not acting out of character, Harmaji knew me, I knew Harmaji, he was not an "unknown". The person who reported me did so believing I broke NLR, I do not have a clip of that particular interaction where I talked to him about that, but he claimed that I broke NLR and despite me trying to show the clip of the WHOLE RP situation, he chose to accept his 15 seconds of violence as the entirety and also that I was killed by one of his own men and came back and broke NLR. Once again I don't have a clip of it, he also harassed me afterwards and claimed I was following him when I was walking away when he refused to acknowledge the clip I sent him and that I dd in fact not break NLR. I would not be coming here and making an appeal like this if I hadn't spent the last 30ish hours working on an in game RP with many characters within the city and making a lot of money and interacting with the server in a very legitimate way. All I ask at the end of the day is if I'm permanently PK'd the other people involved int he RP are also because it makes very little sense that many people died and I'm the only one permanently killed.

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