Character's name & rank: Ultrecht Von Derk Elbe
SteamID32: STEAM_0:0:44617463
Staff member who issued the PK (if you know): Not sure? Although who I did initially work with was EXTREMELY rude, at first he asked me calmly and kindly what the RP reason was why I'd be in tiny china RP'ing with Harmaji, and when I was trying to break it down after like 5 seconds of talking he was like "enough yapping" and PK'd me. I was working with CheekiThorax in discord however who was VERY respectful and sent me the link to the appeal forums.
Explain why you were PK'd: I entered Tiny China to reach out to the owner over a prior RP situation between myself and the NSB, an individual (a gov't Minister I believe) ran out of the back of the Tiny China restaurant and got a KG who alerted the rest of the military to arrest the owner of Tiny China
Why should you be un-PK'd?: I'm not here seeking a total un-PK,
Additional Information: I'm here wondering why if I was PK'd, and it was a legitimate RP situation, why I'm the only one here permanently killed through this RP situation. I don't care if I was permanently killed if other people in the situation were. Attached is a 5'ish minute clip of the whole situation. I did not break NLR. I was not acting out of character, Harmaji knew me, I knew Harmaji, he was not an "unknown".
The person who reported me did so believing I broke NLR, I do not have a clip of that particular interaction where I talked to him about that, but he claimed that I broke NLR and despite me trying to show the clip of the WHOLE RP situation, he chose to accept his 15 seconds of violence as the entirety and also that I was killed by one of his own men and came back and broke NLR. Once again I don't have a clip of it, he also harassed me afterwards and claimed I was following him when I was walking away when he refused to acknowledge the clip I sent him and that I dd in fact not break NLR.
I would not be coming here and making an appeal like this if I hadn't spent the last 30ish hours working on an in game RP with many characters within the city and making a lot of money and interacting with the server in a very legitimate way. All I ask at the end of the day is if I'm permanently PK'd the other people involved int he RP are also because it makes very little sense that many people died and I'm the only one permanently killed.