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Green Marine

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Everything posted by Green Marine

  1. What sets us apart from civies is that we have lots of people hidden in the government loyal to us.
  2. My brother in Christ we just wanna have fun as terrorists and give fun RP.
  3. Your Name: Green Marine SteamID32 (STEAM_0:X:XXX): Steam ID: 76561197984541255 Appeal Type (Apology or Dispute): Dispute Which staff member banned you?: Badspider How long is your ban for?: 2 weeks Why were you banned?: RDM/RDM IN A SIT/RECENT BANS Why do you deserve to be unbanned?: I was dragged in the middle of RP for a RDM sit. The man in question was in the garage with his car somehow backed all the way up to the shack continuing to run this guy over. My group wanted to kidnap this guy who he was running over. He would run him over back up then run him over again. So I shot the man dead and kidnapped the guy who he was running over. This man was a admin and dragged me to a sit with Bad spider. The moment I went in this man started to call me insults calling me a little kid and that I do not matter and I was "A retarded cunt" so I shot this man dead cause he was being retarded. He claims I was there for the whole thing while I only just arrived because my group of friends told me to meet at the garage. They also refused to show me the clip of the RDM. The guy in the sit then tried to convince Bad Spider to perma ban me. I think I should not have been banned as I feel my POV was justified and asking this man to stop when he was moving up to run the man over again would probably kill the guy. However they refused to see my point and just claimed I should know better Additional Information: Also im pretty sure I got into a OOC fight earlier with the guy I killed over how effective Gmod admins are lol
  4. We have lots of pre thought plans before we do events
  5. If you do question about our activity we operate under a different name until this becomes accepted we call ourselves the Commune,
  6. I am part of both wannabe orgs but Batty's org did very little communication and very few members. This group is way more active with at least 5 of them being on during peak server hours and is rapidly expanding.
  7. Character's name & rank: Oskar Mackenson Luftwaffe Underfeldwebel SteamID32:Steam ID: 76561197984541255 Staff member who issued the PK (if you know): IDK Explain why you were PK'd: I was in the bank with the rest of the Luftwaffe and the FM when a random LAPO tries to detain me and I get shot dead when everyone else had their guns up in a standoff he didnt even try to talk to me just tried to put cuffs on me. Why should you be un-PK'd?: I should not have been PK as I wasnt the only one to be killed but only one to be PK? I dont understand and once I dieded the entire bank turned into a gunfight. I just think it is a very weird reason for me to be PK I just respawn get dragged to a admin he tells me im PK and just kills me without saying anything else. There was no time for someone to report it he must have been just hoping to catch the first one to die and PK them for "breaking arrest rp" RP was never even engaged and some random enlisted LAPO the ONLY LAPO around tries to randomly ziptie me he also tried to do the same with other people int he bank without saying a word. Additional Information: I was in a big group of like 8 Luftwaffe and everyone can agree they didnt even try to engage arrest RP.
  8. Are you all retarded? I was just tired lmfao
  9. Some people want to watch the world burn.
  10. Your Name: Green Marine SteamID32 Steam ID: 76561197984541255 Appeal Type Apologize Which staff member banned you?: Hound How long is your ban for?: 1 week Why were you banned?: RDM I am sorry for what I have done. This does not excuse my actions but I been playing on this server for 8 hours straight going through hell. I waited 3 hours for the medal ceremony and when I got my medal I snapped. I got only a 4 year service medal which is still cool as it is a medal but I fucking lost it. I pulled out my MP40 and killed Dieter Luther. I wish to say im sorry I just had a very bad migraine and shouldn't have been playing but I really wanted the medal and I got too greedy. I just wish to say im sorry but I also wish I could have been arrested RP instead of being just banned. This does not excuse my actions but I just say im sorry.
  11. If it was from a different server and this conversation is of your personal thoughts. I think you should be unbanned and this not be used against you. You never stated the owners names directly but only refrefferd to the "admins" And knowing Gmod dosnt seem unlikely we got some Drake impersonators at one point in time.
  12. I think you did fine but I just wish you would have thought about what my POV was like instead of just seeing one side also this is the forum
  13. A man is allowed to talk shit about a server that isnt worthy evidence to keep him banned. Also the origins of this server should be made fun of.
  14. I was there when the general met with the NSB and not only have I heard from other sources but I heard myself something about being able to arrest the entire military and the APC they bring made it look as so. They started to gather everyone at the base in one area outside of the HQ and I was stuck in the HQ so I hoped I would be able to do a series of run and guns to slowly bring down their numbers allowing people inside the HQ to escape. I admit I did mess up. But that is assuming that I did have 3rd person which I did not as it is hard to aim a MP40 while being in 3rd person well atleast for me it is. So you assume I saw thing I didnt which I feel is unjust for myself.
  15. I am here to argue that I was near the top of the marine enlisted ranks. While yes I did have poor trigger discipline it was because I feared for my own safety and the grenadier following me.
  16. Your Name: Green Marine SteamID32 Steam ID: 76561197984541255 Appeal Type Dispute Which staff member banned you?: CheekiThorax How long is your ban for?: 2 days Why were you banned?: RDM | NITRP Why do you deserve to be unbanned?: I think I should be unbanned for the reason of the shooting was of mistaken identity in a quick second decision Additional Information: THE NSB or whoever the people in black are came into MB and I heard from multiple people they were going to arrest us all. I know that NSB are wearing black so me and another person went into the Army HQ waiting for us to be attacked by NSB. Then a Panzer Grenadier walked in and in a split second I opened fired and killed him. I was then put into a staff sit and I tried to explain who I thought he was but Cheeki appeared to not very much care for my side as earlier that day I got a 3 MINUTE ban for playing music through my mic while hanging with some people. That was his reason he added the NITRP as he assumed I have no plans to RP. Even though the last few days I been doing RP with people and I became top enlisted in the Marines.

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