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Slug last won the day on March 8

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Collaborator (7/14)

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  1. Slug

    Ban appeal

    On your last appeal you mentioned quite a bit that you use "free wifi" and your internet has frequent connectivity issues. Turning around on this appeal and accusing our community of DDOSing you without a lick of proof is a bit insane. Appeal: Denied Thread: Locked
  2. Slug

    Ban appeal

    The ban reason has not changed, nowhere does it mention RDM. Did you forget about your last appeal where you mass spammed on Christmas/New Year's Week?
  3. Slug

    Ban Appeal

    @Cravfe Ban has been lifted!
  4. Denied You may reappeal in 30 days
  5. Logs corroborate your provided screenshots of timing out. This is not an intentional disconnect and therefore the ban will be voided from your record. Appeal: Accepted Ban: Voided Thread: Locked
  6. Hello @Santee Gaming, Your main account (STEAM_0:1:768158989) was banned by @Houndon 9/12/23 for Mass RDM. The ban was made permanent on 9/13/23 when you attempted to ban evade (Global Rule #11) using the account you're currently appealing with (STEAM_0:0:605442706)
  7. Slug


    Please use the ban appeal template or this will be denied.
  8. @Cravfe Ban has been lifted!
  9. Slug

    tux ban appeal

    Given that your ban is from July I'm inclined to give you a shot. Thank you for the apology. Appeal: Accepted Thread: Locked
  10. Slug

    tux ban appeal

    2 separate times, on 2 separate accounts? You have 2 alt evasion attempts, the first on 7/4/24 and the second on 8/10/24
  11. Accepted Welcome to the Staff Team!
  12. Slug

    Rayan Staff app.

    Denied Reapply in 30 days.
  13. This is epic. ACCEPTED
  14. Given that you just violated Global Rule #11 you clearly have not grown enough. Appeal: Denied Thread: Locked
  15. Slug

    Ban Appeal

    Proceeded to ban evade, twice. Most recent ban evasion attempt was today... Appeal: Denied Thread: Locked

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