Your Name: Crusader
SteamID: STEAM_0:0:536406770
Appeal Type: Apology
Which staff member banned you?: Valyy
How long is your ban for?: Permanent, originally Three days.
Why were you banned?: Pressing alarm buttons in the Baumer building, trying to rejoin on an alt.
Why should I be unbanned: I apologize deeply for my misconduct on the server and for attemping to just evade my ban with an alt, I should have known better and not have done what I did and it was stupid of me to break into a building that was not suposed to be broken into and attempt to evade a ban given to me, Im sorry for it and I understand my mistake, I've been rping on prometheus for long and want to return to the server I once loved, I apologize to the staff for wasting their time in the scenario caused by my own idiocy, I apologize to the people who were disrupted cause of me pressing the alarms and I apologize to the community for being an idiot. I ask for an unban and I understand my mistake, I am deeply sorry.
Additional Information: Oh yea, this ban was awhile ago, I just forgot to write it.