Introduction Information Section
Steam Name:
Discord Username/ID:
Time Played (check with !time):
1w 1d 22h 46m (around 2 months on the old server)
Your current rank(User/Donator/Trusted):
Do you have a mic & will you use it?:
Are you consistently active on the forums and server?:
Did anyone from the Recruitment Team assist you in making your application?:
Staff Recommendations (Sponsors will be asked to verify):
Kixx, Mical Jordan, Aurelius' of Phoenix, Jack, Beach, Dawg
Basic Information Section
IC Character names, ranks, and brief overview of their duties/everyday activities in a list format:
Oberst David Elijah
As Stellv. Divisionskommandeur der Kaisergarde, (deputy of the Kasiergarde) my duties are to oversee the men and ensure our duties are fulfilled. When I first entered the position the KG were hardly getting any numbers let alone completing their duties, but under my administration I have helped the men go from inactive nobodies to strong and respected members of the MOI. I start most days off by addressing the command staff and giving them their orders, after this I allow for the officers to administer these orders to help prepare their leadership skills for their future careers. I plan to continue the build up further.
Sunny Ricci
Civilian character I use to participate in civ rp, I dont typically use this character often as i am more focused on my Kaisergarde character, however in my spare time i do engage in civilian RP with a few of my friends.
How long have you been roleplaying?:
I have been roleplaying for about 4 years.
Have you received any infractions i.e Notes/Bans? If so, what were they for and what could you have done to prevent getting them next time?:
-Prop kill note {June 27}
-RDM warning note {May 24}
- Mass racism ban
-NITRP ban X2
-Ive read up on the rules and have matured further, I look forward to enforcing the rules in the future to ensure immersive and fair RP.
Staff Knowledge Section
What previous experience so you have as a staff member either within Garry’s Mod or the Nutscript Gamemode?
Why do you believe we should pick you for the Prometheus Networks Staff Team?[300 words or more]:
I’ve been a part of the Prometheus Community for my entire LARP career. I’ve been strictly loyal to Prometheus and plan to continue doing so within my future. I care for the community as well as the server and ill use this within my staffing to ensure I am responsible and not making a fool of myself. I look forward to facing all the challenges I am bound to face within this position and can't wait to get more experience that also influences me within LARP. I’ve also been very friendly towards the staff team and look forward to further improving that relationship as I work alongside them. I have a genuine passion to make sure that this server's role playing experience is better for the players in every possible way I can. I believe I have the skills due to my IC experience, To successfully be a staff member. I acknowledge my responsibilities as well as ensuring not to abuse the perms I've been given. I don’t take these rules lightly and I understand being staff is not an excuse to act differently than any other player on the server. With this being said, I will definitely demonstrate a clear responsibility of maintaining and upkeeping the server rules towards not just myself but the other players within the server. I want to help this community as much as I can like I do with my LARP. I also believe that it would be easier to help with rule breakers like MRDM so I can quickly react without needing to wait for staff and be able to compensate people and make sure no one suffers the consequence of lack of staff. When I plan on taking this staff position, I also plan ons staying on the team rather than giving up after a week due to burnout. I know not to overwork myself and to be mature and responsible and ALWAYS stay professional when it comes to tickets and sits.
What are the duties and responsibilities of the position you are applying for in your own words? [150 Words or more]:
As a staff member in Prometheus, i need to be somebody who's there to ensure fairness and an enjoyable time for all the players involved. In my work, I’ll manage the interaction of players with each other and take measures to ensure that all online server rules are followed. It also implies quick problem solving, like in cases of RDM, NLR, LTAP, and fair and efficient resolution of these conflicts. Further more, besides taking care of the enforcement and being the rule enforcer on the forums, I always assist players whenever they have questions, guide them through issues they are confronted with, and proceed to make their experience with the server smooth. Equally important, I use my permissions in an honest way and avoid abuses of power, holding myself to the same standards to which other players are held. I see this position as an opportunity for long-term community service. By working closely with the staff team, I intend to make this a very friendly, welcoming atmosphere, so that more enjoyment can be had with those around when roleplaying.