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Hank J. Wimblet

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  1. I never said that I shouldn't be banned because they told me to do it I was just explaining why I did it, my game went white and I clicked close instead of wait to respond, also the staff didnt say there isnt a vdm rule he just said its not really a thing because you cant really kill with cars, and I said I understood the nitrp thing but I was just saying that I literally dont have a warn for anything else and I was roleplaying on both of my characters till that moment.
  2. Your Name: Hank J. Wimblet SteamID32: 76561198115389464 Appeal Type (Apology or Dispute): Both Which staff member banned you?: Coffee How long is your ban for?: 30 days and 10 hours Why were you banned?: NITRP, MVDM, and LTAP Why do you deserve to be unbanned?: I messed up Additional Information: I hope this message finds you well. I am writing to respectfully request reconsideration of my ban from ww2 roleplay. I understand that my actions, specifically focusing trolling without engaging in proper roleplaying, have violated the rules/guidelines and the spirit of the game. I sincerely apologize for my behavior and would like to explain why I believe I deserve a second chance or a possibly a shorter ban. Alright I'm not gonna expect to be unbanned but I just wanna comment on a couple things regarding me being banned and why I did it. First off I did it because I was with 2 or 3 other higher ranking police men and they were egging me on that I should do it and they started saying that they were going to get me kicked off the police force and they probably just joking and I really shouldn't of cared because I literally just joined it 5 mins before and it was really dumb for me to do it because I really wasn't committed to being a police officer. I tried to get a clip of this to show to the admins because of course I was getting punished for doing it but I use GeForce experience and I was spamming the key bind for the menu to open and it caused my game to crash and then I couldn't even clip it for some reason and I tried to open Garry's Mod again and it let me clip but it didn't record any of the incident and it just recorded the past 11 seconds from when I reopened the game, I really didn't intend on leaving to avoid punishment I really was trying to rejoin and when I got in the server after my game crashed it gave me an error so I rejoined yet again then I was sadly greeted with the 30 day ban including the ltap part which I really didn't mean to do. Also the mass vdm part I was confused on because before like years ago when I played ww2 rp there was never a vdm rule so I just assumed it was the same and when I was in a previous admin sit recently I was asking about vdm and they said it really wasn't even a thing because you cant really kill with cars and that if you get run over or anyone with you gets run over you can kill the person and I really didn't think I would kill anyone and I dont know if I did but if it I did I think it was from the armored car exploding which I didn't know would happen because its a armored car and I just assumed it wasn't like a regular car. Then the NITRP I understand but dont think I had any other warns for minging or anything at all, I was thinking maybe it would a in character punishment like a pk but I also knew it would probably be a ban but I didn't think it was so serious since I didn't really mean to kill anyone since I thought it would just knock them over. I thought I was being funny because of what I did and I was really expecting my character to be killed off and at most a like 1 week ban. Im sorry if this is barely legible, im just sorry i really didnt expect to be hit with the month ban, I really thought I would be pk'd or something.

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