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  1. also i get the alting
  2. so again im sorry for what i may have done but i just want to roleplay again i hope you understand
  3. only reason i did not put effort is i dont know why i was banned if i knew there would be a lot of effort
  4. i dont know what happend but for what i did im sorry for who i hurt and i just want to make people with my rp so if you could unban me i would be forever in your deat
  5. and if i brake rules i dont mind if you reinstate the perm ban i just want to play on the server though
  6. reduse it down to a 2 week ban and pk his char
  7. coke121234

    ban appeal

    Your Name: Klouse Eisenhour SteamID (STEAM_0:X:XXX): STEAM_0:0:664970219 Appeal Type (Apology or Dispute): Apology Which staff member banned you?: virus How long is your ban for?: perm Why were you banned?: the reason was none also alting 2 times Why do you deserve to be unbanned?: i don't even remember what happened i do get that i tried to evade the ban 2 times and I'm sorry for that but I wish that you could unban me so that I may roleplay on this server once more Additional Information: I was banned like all most 3 years ago so I have no clue what even happened but what I am going to say is if your going to ban someone give a reason
  8. one of them was my brother i showed him the server the other one was becuase the reason was none and when i tryed to make an appeal the first time the fourms was down
  9. coke121234

    ban appeal

    Your Name: Kevin SteamID32 (STEAM_0:X:XXX): 76561199290206166 Appeal Type (Apology or Dispute): dispute Which staff member banned you? Virus How long is your ban for?: Perm Why were you banned?: reason was NONE Why do you deserve to be unbanned?: I want to start off with I dont rember what happend and i was wanted to be unbannned to play on the server and have fun and make good rp and i think this ban is bull shit when the reason was NONE so that is why im makeing the appeal Additional Information:

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