Character's name & rank: Oberfeldwebel Wulfhardt Dunkel
SteamID32: STEAM_0:1:609013387
Staff member who issued the PK (if you know): Solomons
Explain why you were PK'd:
its started by my fellow friend shooting me by mistake by the lake he said that it was a missclick. but the lapo guys were bored so they decided that they want to arrest him. while they were dragging him i walked with them when they went inside they locked the doors and told me to walk out i was being nice with them but they blocked my way out started to insult me and ofc i talked back. then they said that i was disrespecting a general so they decided to detain me while i was walking out i was kinda mad cus i was being civil with them but they cornered me with weapons and i punched and in that case they shot me
i dont think i should have been pk just because they were feeling bored so they made a huge deal about it then they locked the door and started insulting me