Your Name: Hans Hunnebun ic: Hans Arnold
SteamID32 (STEAM_0:X:XXX): 76561199217449980
Appeal Type (Apology or Dispute): Apology
Which staff member banned you?: Hound
How long is your ban for?:perma
Why were you banned?: "degenerate" , not sure
Why do you deserve to be unbanned?: I think i deserve to unbanned because i'm not even sure why I got banned to start with. When I played Promeheus I was a Major in the Military intelligence as Hans Arnold . A little bit after I switched to the party courts I got perma banned. I had quite a lot of time invested into the server and played it as much as I could. I also had another char that was bar certified and a lawyer name Demal Jemetrius. Within my whole course on this server I never really wanted to minge or do anything stupid to get PERMA banned. If I did get unbanned I would continue to rp and respect the rules of the server. I was in the party courts with brownpug for that short time and took everything pretty serious .Around 4 months ago I joined Lord Vagues server and was one of the victims that got banned for legit nothing I was aware of. I never made any remarks toward the owner of the server and only played LordVagues server to see what it was and have a bit of fun as I was friends with most the people playing it.
Additional Information:
I have been rping for quite some time and had a blast on prom