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Everything posted by kaiseriager

  1. and yes this sounds like the MoP, however, it also would allow players a more direct contribution to what happens in the war
  2. it could also be used in order to introduce unused german weapons (that already exist in assets but aren't currently used in the server)
  3. ummmmmmmm... yes, but no.
  4. I was wondering if it was possible at all as a civilian, with the proper business license, that you could potentially buy and own a factory under said business, and that this factory would be able to make money and be shown on the war map. As an extension of that, if it produced a item(s) that are available in vendors that a business location could be set up in berlin as well.
  5. okay, welp, new char time
  6. gotcha, realistically can it get appealed?
  7. also on top of they are PK'ing people under the assumption they are vampires or now goblins...
  8. just a add on, the people that did it are evading custody and killing eachother when they get detained and are calling themselves goblin hunters.
  9. kaiseriager

    PK appeal

    Character's name & rank: Major Leonce Lucas Adrien SteamID32: 76561199626876043 Staff member who issued the PK (if you know): Jack Explain why you were PK'd: resisted unlaw arrest/detainment by a heer, luftwaffle, and a heer with a feld uniform? (all enlisted). Why should you be un-PK'd?: Additional Information: all three were minging, and we grouped together for hours and minging around while one was mic spamming fart sounds (should be a PO on one of the for that), also this is my main character and i'd be bummed if i were to get PK'd on that character. also they were in the KG barracks and i was just there to talk and chill with Hauptmann Lucas Gustavsson and anwalt Odyessus Himlonious II.

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