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  1. Valuable member of the larp also a great guy. +1
  2. +1 Justice for the Brazilian's
  3. +1 It was just an accident, and it was late, I think they should be unbanned since it was an accident. they also detained me (I was in the suit, I'm a Federal Marshal) he was just trying to help me.
  4. Yes, they did have their weapons out and I was running but to be fair I was frantically running and scared for my life, but I guess I must accept the punishment.
  5. PK stands for a Permanent-Kill. For a permanent-kill to occur, it must follow the PK Guidelines. Once a character is PK'd, all access to the character is lost. The only way to gain access to said character is to appeal the PK, and have it accepted under the pretense the PK did not follow PK guidelines. An individual has 72 hours to appeal their PK. - Character's name & rank: Hauptmann Frederick Wilhelm SteamID32: https://steamcommunity.com/profiles/76561199123340431/ Staff member who issued the PK (if you know): Beach Explain why you were PK'd: FearRP Why should you be un-PK'd?: Because I offer great Roleplay and I think the punishment is a bit harsh. Additional Information: I was going to RS to possibly go see the announcement for the new Chancelor, so I ran over and was immediately stared at by NSB so I decided it might not be in the best mind to go over there anymore so I wanted to return to the ICC but they were now chasing me and so I was running for me, I had heard something come from their mouths such as "I know your cousin" and some knew my name. but other than that, I had not heard a single warning, it could have been possible that they said that when I was near the RS, but I did not hear but from the fountain to the ICC I did not hear a single word. But since there was a bunch of NSB chasing me for some reason, I should have stopped, but I'm scared since they like to kidnap army members. so, I am asking for a possible lesser punishment as I offer great Rp on Frederick Wilhelm and I would agree to a lesser punishment. I hope my appeal is heard and looked over. that is all, ty. (edit) also they didn't even try to shoot my legs, they just killed me. Also, after reviewing the clip Beach gave me, the only people who saying stop moving were too far away. . .
  6. +1 Unban this man, He adds such good RP and just so funny to be around.

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