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Patrick Ting

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  1. I was in imprisoned for taking photos of them arresting meinulf and then they wanted to charge me for not being willing to testify in court about him. I was also told he was ratting on the Inspektor of the NSB and myself and trying to blame me for the situation that happened with the Kommadore. I entertained this briefly by asking to see this myself in the benderblock interrogation area behind the glass where he did not rat on anyone. I'm genuinely confused on what I could have ratted on anyways. I am also/was an NSB commander for the BSD Sektion-I.
  2. Character's name & rank: NSB-Oberpolizeiinspektor Patrik Wilhelm SteamID32: STEAM_0:1:98538901 Staff member who issued the PK (if you know): I believe it was either Ich Bin or it may have been another person Explain why you were PK'd: I was PKd for apparently being a "snitch" and because the Inner minister wanted to protect himself. Im not sure what I was snitching about as it was not explained to me. For context a Polizeikommander of the GSD and myself were both arrested because of an incident with a Komodore and were being interrogated for quite a while. They tried to convince me he was snitching on me and apparently convince the other guy I was with that I was snitching on him. Why should you be un-PK'd?: I was not snitching on anyone, refused to sign any documents when I was held by the military for 2+ hours. Im not sure what I could have snitched about and would be open for a discussion with Ich Bin if possible about this PK and his justification for it. It just seems like a silly pk to do as there was 0 RP documents, court trial, evidence presented of any kind in my opinion. I was also the Chief of Sektion I for the BSD and I would expect there to be more RP than the video provided (I didn't get the whole conversation unfortunately). Additional Information: The clip of the PK https://medal.tv/games/garrys-mod/clips/inl1daUp2YW2Hm6Gy/d1337xMyebyZ?invite=cr-MSxCZTMsMjIyMTU5ODU2LA
  3. +1 Amazing larper who knows the rules. I feel like he would be an excellent addition to the staff team. His availability during morning EST hours also should make him a desirable candidate!
  4. +1 A great guy and asset to RP. I think a permaban for disrespecting staff is very stupid and sets a bad precedent.

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