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  1. That's fair enough, but as you can see in the clip, the second guy didn't even raise his gun or interfere until the last second.
  2. Character's name & rank: Oberstleutnant Friedhelm Schroder SteamID32: STEAM_1:0:185833057 Staff member who issued the PK (if you know): Coffee Explain why you were PK'd: FearRP Why should you be un-PK'd?: When we were on a patrol with the KG, Lapo tried to stop us and then shot at our tires. My Ritzoffizier decided to open fire on the Lapo and I opened fire on the other Lapo who was shooting at my Ritzoffizier. As I killed the Lapo i put my weapon on safety while the military NCO pointed his weapon at me and tried to put me under FearRP, but per FearRP rule 8 “If you are actively holding a weapon, FearRP does not apply and you may retaliate (even if it is secured, E+R)”, so I raised my weapon again before I was killed. Additional Information: https://medal.tv/?contentId=iljO1vRrJlYq2nLOl&invite=cr-MSxjZTEsMjM4NjYwNDc2LA&spok=CXusBTd6ISQF 
  3. +1 I think he is a great guy and deserves a second chance

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