Your Name: Barone Muller
SteamID32 For some reason Steam ID shows as 0.00 Edit: Nevermind found it : STEAM_0:0:211644538
Appeal Type Apology - I accept my punishment although, I just wanted to deeply apologize for my actions. I know what I said was wrong and I got heated well too much. This was one thing I've never said before and shall never do again. I know my chance is slim, but I'm not doing it solely to get unbanned and I still wanted to apologize to the indevidual I have offended. I would never do anything of such that I have spoke on. My words meant nothing in that, so again, I am sorry to you.
Which staff member banned you?:
Ich Bin Ein Brot
How long is your ban for?: Permanent
Why were you banned?: Talked about someones information, got heated and went overboard with it.
Why do you deserve to be unbanned?: I made a mistake and after I sent the message I realized how badly I messed up. I'm a greater part of the community and wish to continue being one.
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