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Everything posted by marki

  1. why didn't you answer his question? also, -1
  2. hey, slug asked you a question, why aren't you answering him? if you don't wanna be unbanned just say that, you can go back to grabbing high roles that don't matter on failed servers
  3. denning was never staff though, and you never called him out by name. you said both words as plurals, so you were definitely referring to more than one person if you're referring to the failed servers 5, you're wrong again - that video was only up for 2 weeks "Prometheus is run by retards and pedophiles" - you talking about a server where Whoreson is the owner, clearly you were trying to talk about him, and now are trying to backtrack you are an idiot
  4. nope, i never claimed denning was a pedo. not sure why you think bringing him up is going to help your appeal. he's also been banned from here for the past 3 months
  5. You said "Prometheus is a shit hole and all of your money gets stolen by hire a admin anyways because it's run by retards and pedophiles and I stand by that statement." and "You should really consider just distancing yourself from the peds that are over at Prometheus."
  6. could you tell us why you tried to ban evade?
  7. you know what +1 let's give him another chance and see what happens
  8. then how long ago was it because i put the picture of your ban list
  9. took what time? your last ban was like 2 months ago and in that time you ran like 7 different failed servers
  10. i don't know guys, do we let him back...?
  11. marki

    Beach Ban Appeal

    lol was your time at solis any better? or perhaps you enjoyed your time at olympus, also with denning, more fun? 2/3rds of this ban appeal is just you trying to shift the blame onto denning because you ran out of things to talk about in the first paragraph
  12. remember this from last year? not a good look...
  13. so you were on the server almost every day since new years and had absolutely zero clue that you aren't allowed to try and use an alt account to get on when you're banned?
  14. Tinky wongle dorgle snippy juggle buggy borgler dongle "Finkywinks McGlooberdunk".
  15. unbearable moron who will only cause problems if they return -1

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