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Major Whoreson

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Major Whoreson last won the day on November 15

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  1. As you apologized, I will accept this. However, you directly caused this by being the highest ranking officer and acting like a total moron. This character has been PK'd, but you are unbanned. Accepted.
  2. Accepted. Make a ticket in the main Discord for more information.
  4. That's certainly a name...
  5. My favorite thing about reading all of this is that basically no one has any ideas but wants "something"
  6. Thank you for the acknowledgement. Approved.
  7. I didn't "presume" anything. You were annoying so you were banned for continually being annoying. Your framing in this situation continues to be an annoyance.
  8. You have constantly been an annoyance, whether it was Revenant or here. You make a comment about absolutely everything, it's completely obnoxious and annoying.
  9. Has been added to the server.
  10. After having read through this appeal, I am very "mutch" appalled by your spelling skills! We should work on that! You "whent" off the deep end with your spelling, however, I do agree with some of your points here. From the explainations given to me, it seems that the PK itself is fine, could have been better it some areas, but nothing that should void the entire event. Your PK stands, however, your rank lock and ban is removed. I have informed UA to remain more respectful when dealing with these sort of frustrating situations, I would ask that you also do the same.
  11. They look nothing like any of the other models. Would look extremely out of place. No thanks!
  12. If you are going to try to make the point, that you, Dr Trevor Lawrence PHD, who has made a dozen alts to the Discords, hasn't constantly said stupid shit, I am going to turn this Discord ban into a perma ban on the server. You aren't fooling anyone. We all know you say stupid shit all the time. You trolled constantly, said dumb shit, got banned, now have an IC job that you actually want to use the Discord for. Tough shit I guess lil fella!

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