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Major Whoreson

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Major Whoreson last won the day on January 23

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  1. You've already been banned in the past permanently and for ban evading. Likely just a frontal lobe diff. You may stay banned.
  2. No, your point does not stand. And no, that's not what it takes. You can have dirt on someone, however, you have dirt AND threatened to use said dirt. This is a clear and obvious distinction. Once again, only a moron would threaten his captors after they did bad things to them.
  3. Because they aren't threatening to report you for shooting them while they're cuffed and have been illegally shot...you literally threatened to report him and whatever else after he shot you This report would either result in his death or permanent relocation to a penal battallion. This is common sense to most. You don't threaten your captor if you plan on leaving alive. You were not roleplaying, you were ruleplaying, hoping PK rules would somehow save you and allow you to avoid RP.
  4. First, the title is pretentious and demonstrates you do not have a unbiased view of this situation and are clearly quite upset. I don't know who you think you are or who you think Radec is, but this is a 1940's GMOD server, it is truly not that serious to say the "downfall" of anybody. Really odd and strange behavior. Also, as stated in the rules, not all fearRP breaks are PK's, they can be rank demoted or temp PK'd. Rank demotions are not something I find too great, and have recently changed to doing more temp PK's if a full PK is not called for. However, Prime has just recently returned from quite a long LOA and was not aware of this new policy You never state why you attempted to mug Radec or place him under fearRP, it just seems like you...did? With no clear RP reasoning behind it. After asking about you with several players and other staff members, I was unanimously informed by every single one that you are a "known retard who mugs everybody because you're an idiot". Their words, not mine. The concensus seems to be that you really are not trying to RP anything and are just running around like an idiot trying to instigate and then use the rules to punish people. We don't do that sort of thing here! This isn't some mega corporation bound by a stock price or a HR team that must abide by the whims of every whiney and pathetic loser who yaps and cries. Your nonsense is pretty easy to see through and I would suggest not wasting my time or the UA's time further with such a pathetic hit piece. Denied.
  5. You have to have some form of mental handicap.
  6. Except none of these things ever happened. You guys are pretending like we didn't spend 8 years with it. You can't just say "OMG IF WE HAD DA FORWEST XYZ WOULD HAPPEN SO COOL!" We know all of these "epic" RP occurences won't happen. You guys won't do them. We have almost a decade of evidence to prove you guys won't do them. If a map update ever comes back around I may look into it, but don't hold your breath. The forest saw less than 10% of the maps usage despite taking up 30% of the assets. Terrible value.
  7. You posted a picture of Mario gaping his asshole. You are a detriment to society.
  8. Hello, You seem mentally unstable. I have changed your ban to permanent as I don't think this is conducive of a healthly lifestyle for you. Goodbye!
  9. None? No negatives AT all? You can't think of a singular issue with giving more people the ability to create and delete roles? Not a single thing? Wow.
  10. You refused to stop speaking with a gun pointed at your head, at any point in time I could have just shot you for it. Me not usiong a /me I guess is a mistake, but it doesn't invalidate anything, especially considering you just blatantly breaking fearRP a dozen different times. You threatened to murder police officers who were telling your men to not point guns at civilians on the OTHER side of a barricade. You were asked to retract or apologize and you refused. You were then dragged before the Federal Council as we were going there anyways and you once again kept breaking fearRP. You were subsequently shot for it. The End.
  11. Ban length changed to permanent due to ban evasion attempt on SteamID, STEAM_0:1:918295330 2024-10-25 01:47:05 If you'd like to try again that would be #awesome!
  12. You pulled a gun while surrounded. I think only two people died because no one else was dumb enough to shoot. I'd appreciate your explaination for that!
  13. I'm pretty positive you had like a full mental breakdown the last time you were on the staff team...

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