Your Name:
SteamID32 (STEAM_0:X:XXX):
Appeal Type (Apology or Dispute):
Which staff member banned you?:
Kierian/Hound extend
How long is your ban for?:
1 month
Why were you banned?:
Extreme Staff disrespect
Why do you deserve to be unbanned?:
I have sat through my ban for almost a month now and have realized my past action were rude and Uncalled for. I was heated in the moment and said things i regret right now. Not only did i say things that should never be said period i showed how petty and stupid i am. Kierian I am sorry for what i have said to you and to other players who heard what i said. I was heated at the time this occurred and i threw a kid fit over something dumb and stupid, i acted immature and childish, i deeply apologize to Kierian who was affected by this fully and had to hear the stupid shit i was saying to him, not only in game and Discord, I went completely overboard and realize i was a stupid piece of shit, II ask for you to forgive me and give me another shot in the community. The words i spoke will never be spoken again by me to another person.
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