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Everything posted by SomePerson

  1. Dawg you literally got told "So you're threatening him with dirt?" And you said smth along the lines of not caring. You were literally given the chance to pull it back. Whoreson kills people, yes, but he doesn't tend to do it without reason - what would be the point of destroying his own server? I was there for your death, and you were being cocky as fuck whilst in the captivity of THREE Feldjager COs, and you got shot for it. Idk what to say. Justified PK.
  2. Oh my God. Is this why my Officer was killed when I told him to take the witness back to the station for a court trial? Jfc
  3. How about some criminal organisations being accepted? That would spice things up.
  4. -1 I love you for trying to add more to the LaPo. I do. LaPo my beloved, and we do spend a lot of time doing traffic enforcement. Sadly, though, this just wouldn't provide any benefit. -Doesn't exist in history -Couldn't use it in a court -You're a cop. Just say "They were speeding." "How do you know?" "Many years on the job.". It'd be so he-said, she-said, that it would provide the exact same as claiming you used a traffic gun
  5. +1 Civ businesses + Adverts = More civ RP More civ RP = more money floating in the civ economy More money floating in the civ economy = More illegal goods More illegal goods = More arrests More arrests + more money = More court-ordered fines More fines = profit As a LaPo Officer, I see this as an absolute win.
  6. +1 I'm not fully sure what exactly could be done to increase civilian roleplay, but I think something should be done. As a member of the LaPo, I thrive off of civilian RP. Lawyers, criminals, all of it. I see a few good people in these positions, but not enough. And why should anyone dedicate themselves to Civilian RP when they are so limited? -Not a single Criminal Organisation has been accepted -To make money, you essentially just have to make drugs. That's it. You get a drug license and make some drugs then go sell it to the black market. That's it. That's your rp.
  7. SomePerson

    Baton Update

    I don't disagree with you, but when roleplaying as a Police Officer it is very difficult to make an arrest. Unless you have around 5 people for one person, you can't prisoner diamond them. All you can do is shoot their leg out so they can't run, but even then, you can't make an arrest. Being left with just saying "Stop slowly walking backwards with your already crippled leg or I'll shoot you" tends to get struck down as excessive force and non-conductive to roleplay. Also, we like to make arrests and take people to our cells for fines or charges or whatever else. Giving us an option for a non-lethal arrest (The baton is essentially useless) would be useful, even if this suggestion is perhaps not fully realised.
  8. -1 One of the things that make the Land Police faction unique is our car with the sirens. Frankly; you can not compare the Feldjagerkorps and the Landespolizei in terms of their policing needs. 1) Whilst they both have the abilities to make arrests, The Feldjagers are more of a hunting unit (They are literally the Field Hunters) that make arrests on the spot with little trouble. If you evade them? They'll just wait till you show up back at the base and slap you in cuffs, or go to whatever faction you deserted to and slapped you in cuffs. They're a faction that relies on manpower (Be it their own, or the heer, etc assisting them.). 2) But the same can not be said for the Police, which actively needs to chase down fleeing suspects (And that is 70% of our job, honestly). The Police is based around organisation, NOT manpower. Everyone knows that if a siren comes on, it is the Land Police trying to pull you over. 3) There is no realistic basis or need for this. Perhaps in a frontlines roleplay, there could be some flashing lights in an entirely Feldjager policed area (Even that seems a bit redundant) but in the city of Berlin, the only vehicles that should have sirens are the emergency services. This is how it works in real life, and this is how it would make sense to work in a RP setting I think that giving the military a vehicle that's only difference from the regular kubelwagen is the sirens is silly, because you'll get Feldjager traffic cop larp around the city of Berlin (I guarantee they would not stick to the ICC). It is a gateway to mingery and is honestly not needed, as it would only detract from the Landespolizei. No hate to the suggester, but I think this idea should be struck down
  9. You called me a faggot as we were initiating a police chase, which ended with you opening fire and us killing you. A different chase, . I crashed into you because you left the car as we were pitstopping you. As you ragdolled, you disconnected to avoid capture. You are a minge and should've been banned for NITRP too.
  10. We were not in active engagement. It had been around 10 minutes since our last engagement iirc. Either way, PKs are isolated incidents. Regardless of prior incidents, You shot at me initiating a gunfight, that caused you to get killedlol
  11. We were not in active engagement. It had been around 10 minutes since our last engagement iirc. Either way, PKs are isolated incidents. You shot at me, you got killed.
  12. I'm the one who made the PK ticket. You know, saying "You are under gunpoint. Do not move. Do not radio. Do not advertise. Do not draw a weapon." is really tedious. Common sense applies. FearRP applies even if I do not tell you each individual thing you are not allowed to do. You were being arrested, fearRP is obviously present. You appear to have a misunderstanding of the rule. FearRP is not you merely abiding by someone's rules when they have a gun pointed at you, it is instead trying to preserve your own life when it is reasonably under threat. For example, you can not be fearrp'd if you have a gun out. But if five guys surround you with guns out, and you try to shoot them and die, that is obviously breaking fearrp. Why? Because this is a serious rp, not darkrp. You radio'd for backup with two guns pointed at you, and because of -YOUR OWN ACTIONS- you were shot. I stand by the PK tbh
  13. +1 Maybe the LAPO would be more active if there was an actual crime organisation to fight
  14. I ran it through the first five AI detection sites that I could find online with a quick google search. https://imgur.com/a/GnkmQum https://imgur.com/a/aQZHt22 https://imgur.com/a/9F3jr5N https://imgur.com/a/wZLq229 (Says 15%. And that's probably because it has a 500 word maximum, so I had to cut it off mid-sentence) https://imgur.com/a/GDc7VIS Look, I know you probably have reason to dislike me. But I wrote this appeal sincerely. This was NOT AI Generated. I wrote every word of it. If you disagree with the appeal, that is perfectly fine and you have the right to do that, but this was NOT AI-Written. I might be an idiot sometimes, but I'm not a liar. I even have a google doc where I wrote it all before posting it on the forums If this was AI, it would be pretty shit AI, considering I literally had to make an edit to the appeal (Can be checked by staff) to fix up my spelling. Because I'm not a robot, and I did make a mistake.
  15. Thank you. I appreciate the sentiment.
  16. Your Name: SomePerson is what I'm known as here, however my current steam name is AegonVI SteamID32 (STEAM_0:X:XXX): STEAM_0:0:177693302 Appeal Type (Apology or Dispute): Apology Which staff member banned you?: Hound How long is your ban for?: Permanent Why were you banned?: Violating General Rules. Why do you deserve to be unbanned?: I posted my first appeal for this ban two weeks ago, and it was denied for being lackluster. I have now re-appealed, after waiting 2 weeks that the rules dictate should be left between a denied appeal and a new appeal. I understand that my apology wasn't considered sincere, or perhaps was too short, or informal. I would like to state before I begin my appeal that everything I've written here is sincere, and I know that I should have put more effort into the way my previous appeal came across, and that was my bad. I’ll start this appeal by apologising again. I know why I was banned, and I am under no misunderstanding that it was an invalid ban or in any way unfair. I abused the permissions I was given in the Discord, and even though my abuse was limited in scale compared to deletion of documents or mass bans from the server, it was still an abuse of the trust given to General Ranking Officers within the server, which I was lucky enough to be given the chance to be (Which many people have not) The reason for my ban was abusing the “@everyone” ping and posting dumb gifs and just generally being an idiot. And, even though that was the official reason of my ban, I also feel as if my overall behaviour on the server has been unacceptable and contributed to the length/severity of my ban. I’ve been disrespectful to members of staff, and been salty and rude overall. I also know that I’ve got my fair share(And then some) of priors in terms of bans and warns, which ALSO certainly contributed in some way to the ban I was given. I know that the things I’ve done on this server have given me a negative reputation, a reputation which has caused quite a lot of people to want me to remain off of the server (As can be seen by people downvoting my last appeal), and honestly I’ve done nothing to give them any reason to view me any different. I would like to take this chance to apologise to anyone I’ve caused to have a negative experience on the server due to the way I’ve acted, and I know that my actions on the server should never be at anyone’s expense, and state that I will change how I act on the server if I am allowed to come back. I’ve played Prometheus for years, at this point, and I’ve done all sorts in that time. And even though some of it has been negative, I have a lot of really good memories from my time on the server. I’ve made friends and I’ve had a lot of fun with all the internal drama and the civil wars and everything else that makes the server what it is. I clearly really made a mistake with what I did, and even though I don’t expect to just be forgiven off the bat, I would like to have another chance to play the server. My actions were never intended to be aggressive or hostile to the staff team or the players, even though they turned out to be. I had been banned by Omni permanently for making fun of him over the whole pistol whipping incident in OOC. And since I thought I was going to be permanently banned from the server (It later turned out he had edited the ban down to a few weeks) I did it because I stupidly thought the best way to “get back” at him for what I viewed at the time as an unfair ban. With hindsight (And even basic common sense I should’ve had at the time) I would never have and should never have done what I did. I retaliated by doing what I thought would be going after him on a slightly larger scale in announcements, which a couple other people followed suit and did after me. But I did not just “get back” at him, as my abuse of permissions affected the entire Discord, which I had neglected to take into account. It was my friends who were punished by this, as some of them did the same thing and some of them relied on me in roleplay and some of them didn’t have many other people that they knew on the server, and it was the staff team who was affected because I had created an issue of trust. Trust is very important to any community, especially one such as Prometheus. I know it was stupid, and I am sorry for it. And I will never repeat my actions It has been around seven months since my ban, I believe (Although I could be slightly off) and I hope that this time I’ve spent banned can genuinely be viewed by the staff team as long enough of a punishment for the actions I did, and if it has not, I would sincerely appreciate even it being lowered from a permanent ban to a few months, because even though I would not be unbanned straight away I would be able to come back to the server at some point and try to start freshly on the server. My actions were disrespectful to the server that I really like to play, and were done without much thought. It has been quite a while since my ban and even though my personality probably hasn’t changed all that much since I was last on the server, I know that my attitude and how I view games (Roleplaying games to be specific) has changed, and that if I am allowed back, I will not be seen making the same mistakes and decisions that I have been banned for in the past, and that I will follow the server rules which I neglected to do previously. I know that the staff team will keep me banned if they view me as a negative influence for the server, and I would like to say that I will do whatever I can to change that perception of me. I would like to reiterate that I agree with the ban, and especially the severity of it. The more I think about it. If the timer was just allowed to tick down until I got unbanned, there would've been no point to the ban; as I would not have had to take my actions seriously. The fact that I actually have to appeal, and take responsibility for my actions is a good thing. Overall, my ban really does show me that general conflict causation is not permissible on the server. It shows me that Prometheus is a setting that expects more maturity than I had been showing. That is something I should've reasonably known beforehand, but didn't take into account with my general activity on the server, and something I acted in contrast to. The reason for my ban in my opinion is honestly just me being an unpleasant person to people that I didn't really have to be, and shouldn't have been, and I completely agree that my ban was warranted, and I just hope that it will be acknowledged that I have sincerely tried to change my behaviour and that I will not do the same things on the server this time around. I know that there are still people that actively dislike me, considering that my last appeal was denied and got such a negative reaction, and I can understand why. I’ve probably garnered quite the negative reputation through my actions, and I would like to apologise: not only to the staff team, but to any individual that I have caused to dislike me or have a negative time on the server. I know there are a few, and even though I won’t name everyone, I hope that this apology can be accepted on a personal level for anyone that this applies to. And I hope that this appeal will be seen as overall more sincere by the staff team and anyone reading than the last one I posted. I am not making this appeal just to be unbanned, I would also like to positively contribute to the community and come back with better intentions than I have previously shown. If the staff team would like to keep me on a final warning for the things I have done, I would understand that, and I am only here to ask for leniency for my ban. Additional Information: If anyone would like to contact me, either about my appeal or just anyone who I have been friends with here previously, my Discord name is "dacaesarian"
  17. Thank you for the in-depth insight into your views on my ban appeal. I will surely take this into account.
  18. It's you. You're the funny. Can I have your autograph?
  19. Your Name: SomePerson SteamID32 (STEAM_0:X:XXX): STEAM_0:0:177693302 Appeal Type (Apology or Dispute): Apology Which staff member banned you?: Hound How long is your ban for?: Permanent Why were you banned?: Fuckwit announcement abusing moron, general rule 1. Why do you deserve to be unbanned?: I'll start with my personal motives for wanting to be unbanned, and return to the server. Back at the time of my ban and before it, I had quite a few friends on the server and I know that coming back and playing with them would be a lot of fun, but also just playing in general. The amount of factions to choose from, the amount of positions and ranks to climb through. The in-game scheming that leads to friendships and allies, and the eventual betrayal. Prometheus is unique in the sense that there's something for everyone to do and that's why I have a lot of positive memories of the server and personally want to return. Though, of course my personal motives for returning don't exactly fall under why I deserve to be unbanned. I suppose I'll start the actual appeal stage by saying I am genuinely sorry for what I did. Trust is the most important part of a community like this. Everyone working together to have fun and create a good environment for RP. To start, what I was actually banned for is posting gifs that made fun of omni for the pistol-whipping stuff (Anyone who was around at the time of my abuse would know what exactly I posted.). Now, that on its own might've been a month ban or something, but what actually got me globally banned, and what I'm appealing, really, is I mass pinged in announcements as I posted these gifs and that is obviously an abuse of the power given to me on the server, and ruins the atmosphere as it comes across as (and is) mingey. It damages the server's reputation and how the server appeals when people do retarded stuff like I did, especially in positions of power such as GO spots. Quite a lot of time has passed, though not to say I feel as if I'm 'owed' an unban, and I feel as if the situation I was banned over can reasonably be called "in the past" - especially with Omni and everything else that was going on. I've caused trouble on the server before, and that's due to blatant immaturity that I won't try and deny. Although I know that if I am unbanned and allowed to come back to the server, I will try my best to avoid doing stupid stuff that leads to bans, like what I did this time around. Because it really does come down to immaturity. I found it funny, which I now know is completely wrong as it was just stupid overall, and that lead to me getting myself banned from a server I really do like for a really long time. Not going to word-salad this, as I think I've sincerely said how I feel and do not feel the need to make it longer than it is, and I'm sure people can make their own judgements of this appeal since anyone can comment on a permanent ban appeal. Thanks. Additional Information: N/A

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