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Bassa Mumbassa

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Everything posted by Bassa Mumbassa

  1. +1 Mans is always active and recruiting, good and just man as well. Deserves it
  2. Steam Name: Bassa Mumbassa SteamID32: STEAM_0:1:66119403 Discord Username/ID: MrButtPi55 Are you VIP?: Yes Time Played (Check in-game using !time): 1w 4d 4h 31m Characters Name & Rank, and a brief explanation of their duties: Oberst Frirdrich Steiner: Deputy to Generalleutnant Stuart von Wolfgang of the OKL. Tasked with giving orders to men of the OKL ranging from Exercises, patrols and recruitment, as well as guarding the FM. Gefreiter Heinz Schmidt: Heer Infantryman tasked with going on Patrols and assist COs in whatever the order is. What will you use the trusted rank for?: I will use the Trusted to be able to whitelist new recruits, transfer recruits, as well as promote. With Trusted, the processes will be sped up significantly. Staff Recommendations: N/A
  3. +1 It looks like there was no FearRP situation at the beginning as they were just asked to step out with no weapons held at them, until the guy in the bottom clip pulled out the gun and started shooting the car. The shots looked like they were aimed at the Major and his Enlisted, as well as the shots starting before the official FearRP scenario began. The men in the car will only see the person on the left side of the car aim and shoot in both their directions. Its clear the NSB agents started the gunfight by shooting at the car, which the occupants can clearly percieve as such as well. Looks like PK baiting to me IMO, as there was no stated reason(Reason to forcibly detain, question, kidnap, or mug). Noone was killed, as well as the one NSB agent intentionally jumping infront of the car. Shouldn't be a PK.
  4. I hadn't Talked to ANY of them, I had no conversation with anyone but my men roughly 5 minutes before I went afk. I was AFK fishing, I wasn't intentionally ignoring them. They definitely weren't there where I went AFK. There was nothing issued as far as I know, and absolutely NO intention to LTARP. Like I previously mentioned I literally had to leave. All the clip shows is me leaving because I had to, I couldn't RP at that point in time. I have no info on this "warrant", was there any warrant posted in chat? The Clip doesn't show anything.
  5. Your Name: Oberst Frirdrich Steiner SteamID32 : STEAM_0:1:66119403 Appeal Type (Apology or Dispute): Dispute Which staff member banned you?: Layheeee How long is your ban for?: 2 days Why were you banned?: LTARP Why do you deserve to be unbanned?: I was literally afk at the fishing pond and told my men I had to leave because I had to eat, While i'm in the kitchen I see some NSB guys possibly or smth but I think nothing of it (as noone can restrain or rob while someone is afk or fishing) and disconnect as I had to attend to matters IRL. I didn't mean to avoid RP but I had to go. I literally have no prior offenses and I've been captured and restrained plenty of times. We can obviously continue the situation when I'm back, I wasn't intending to LTARP. Additional Information:

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