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Dr Trevor Lawrence PHD

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Dr Trevor Lawrence PHD last won the day on November 12 2024

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  1. Your Name: Trevor lawrence/lure von dure SteamID (STEAM_0:X:XXX): STEAM_0:1:421716108 Appeal Type (Apology or Dispute): apology Which staff member banned you?: Major Whoreson (yes the real one) How long is your ban for?: perma Why were you banned?: there was not an offical offical reason but its for being a tard Why do you deserve to be unbanned?: this ban happen 2 years ago, if i had to describe myself in one word it would be, Annoying, all i did was try to get attention like a kid and was not doing anything actually usefull. I am sorry to everyone i was being annoying with, espically major whoreson, all i did was act like a dick and i have changed alot over the last 2 years. Now i am apart of the heer and i need access to the discord to log recruits and look at freq. So all i ask if for forgivness Additional Information: my discord is trevor_lawrence_
  2. Yea i will be the first to admit that a couple years ago i joined as a minge but people change, and so have i. Also some of them were just coffee getting mad on his ingame char lol
  3. +1 he showed up to my bed and gave me goodnight kisses
  4. Steam Name: Trevor Lawrence SteamID32 (STEAM_0:X:XXX): STEAM_0:1:421716108 Discord Username/ID: trevorlawrence Timezone: EST Age: 17 Time Played (check with !time): 3w 1d 22h 18m Your current rank(User/Donator/Trusted): Donator Do you have a mic & will you use it?: Yes and yes Are you consistently active on the forums and server?: Yes and yes Did anyone from the Recruitment Team assist you in making your application?: Lentz Staff Recommendations (Sponsors will be asked to verify): Lentz Basic Information Section IC Character names, ranks, and brief overview of their duties/everyday activities in a list format: Oberfeldwebel Lure Von Dure III Head NCO of the panzer brigade, conduct training and recruitments with NCO and enlisted, ensuring that the men are always occupied with tasks and making sure that the men are up to date with their training manuals and making sure they are in the correct uniforms at all times. How long have you been roleplaying?:Give or take 2 years. Have you received any infractions i.e Notes/Bans? If so, what were they for and what could you have done to prevent getting them next time?: 2024.07.22 NITRP, Take a Break - Coffee 2024.05.30 RDM, NITRP, FAILRP, NOTES ( Got it appealed completely ) - Cravfe 2024.05.27 NLR - Coffee 2024.03.15 Take a Break, Go outside - Slickb 2024.03.11 VDM - Slickb NOTES: 2024.06.29 Prop Kill, Remove Flags on next offense - Seiker 2024.05.10 RDM, Absolute Tard. Ban on next offense - Hound I learned alot from these bans and notes over the months and i have been doing my best recently to keep clean and over the past 6 months i have not gotten a single ban or kick on my record, i have also read on the rules on the forums and will make sure i follow them strictly, but i will not be afraid to ask for help. Moving forward I will make sure that I follow the correct RP rules and make sure that I roleplay correctly. Staff Knowledge Section What previous experience so you have as a staff member either within Garry’s Mod or the Nutscript Gamemode? I staffed as a game master on the Icefuse star wars RP server for 6 months, during this time I hosted multiple events on the server attempting to make the server more fun and enjoyable for the community. Why do you believe we should pick you for the Prometheus Networks Staff Team?[300 words or more]: The main reason you should accept my application and allow me to join your staff team is that I'm open to criticism and like trying to improve myself in any way that I possibly can. I want to join the staff team to help the community out and help take tickets so that roleplay can continue with minimal interruption. I would be a good member of staff because I'm an active member of the community who will be helping take tickets during peak hours, and this, in my eyes, can only benefit the community. I believe that I have a lot of professional characteristics due to my experience in Gmod staffing and the job I do in real life, and once again, I feel that this can only benefit the community and also the staff team. In terms of the rules, I have read them and overall have a great understanding of them. I want to be able to help bring in fair RP scenarios in the server as much as I can,with in the limits of the rules. I want to help newer players understand the structure of the server and how it works and get them to at least try to roleplay within the server instead of just ban speed running every time they log onto the server. I am also a person who is very forgiving and I analyze all the facts and situations correctly before I ensue a punishment. Before I ban or note someone, I would like to make sure they are punished as less as possible if I see a chance that the person can learn from their mistakes. I proved all of these things by not receiving any infractions or bans for the past few weeks and month. In summary, I believe that me being an addition to the staff team would only benefit the community and the staff team, and I will give this role my best effort and make sure to be a reliable member of staff. What are the duties and responsibilities of the position you are applying for in your own words? [150 Words or more]: My duties and responsibilities as a member of staff will be to ensure all members of Prometheus Networks are abiding by the rules and enforcing the rules on players when needed, but also making sure that they are also having a good experience on the server while they are online. Going further into detail, I will be responding to tickets made by the community and resolving all sorts of issues and rule breaks in the day to day procedures. As a staff member, I will need to be respectful and professional at all times, and I'm more than confident in my ability to do so due to my heavy amount of experience. I will be professional on duty on my staff character, and when I'm off my staff character roleplaying, I will set a good example on the server for other players to look up to. As I stated in the question above, I would need to be more than confident in enforcing the rules when needed, not just to punish players but to educate them and help them overall understand the rules, and provide explanation and context for each rule if needed. I want to help newer players understand the structure of the server and how it works. Most importantly for any and every player to have a fun experience while in prometheus.
  5. Im making a call out post on twitter.com BE THERE OR BE SQUARED

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